Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Staff at the development centres of Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , Fujitsu Ltd and Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA also contributed to the work .
2 Since Tranter 's description , the renovator has removed any possibility of seeing , for instance , a gaunt and wild building like the House of Shaws in Kidnapped , where David Balfour almost met his death at the hands of his scheming uncle .
3 After more campaigning than John Major or Neil Kinnock ever did here , the American presidential candidates are about to have their fates decided .
4 BRAMSHOTT and Liphook Arts & Crafts Society again enjoyed a demonstration by Jenny Kennish , of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters , Sculptors and Gravers .
5 In addition , mast cells in normal colon , adenoma , or carcinoma samples consistently showed strong positive staining for cytochrome P450 3A .
6 All that happened was that individual kings and individual magnates or magnate families sometimes came into collision .
7 Careful diplomacy and a wiser man than Otto might have avoided the disaster at the battle of Bouvines in July 1214 , where Philip Augustus soundly defeated John and Otto , for the Flemish cities with their economic interests had a natural ally in England and the duke of Brabant and the counts of Flanders , Holland and of Boulogne were played off Philip Augustus .
8 Beame & Whiteside Software also used the show to demonstrate a technology called BW-Services for Microsoft Corp 's forthcoming Windows NT , which adds the multitasking and multiuser capabilities of Beame & Whiteside 's BW-TCP and BW-NFS for MS-DOS and Windows to Windows NT .
9 One evening off a week he had insisted on , and on those evenings Mr or Mrs Crumwallis occasionally poked their noses through into the boarding annexe and yelled ‘ Shut up ’ through the riot proceeding there .
10 There were no teas being served and , anyway , everybody in Little Tuckett knew that either Mrs Clancy or Mrs Feather always won the Cake Competition .
11 No alternative to crumbling cities and a rust-belt wasteland where manufacturing industry once thrived .
12 The parish priest of Brackenstown , Swords , County Dublin , distributed a newsletter at all masses on Ascension Thursday , 22 May — though before he had read Archbishop MacNamara 's guidelines on how to conduct the campaign — claiming that no-fault divorce was first introduced by Nazi Germany and that it had since wreaked ‘ more havoc on the Allied countries than any German army or air force ever did ’ ( Irish Times , 28 June 1986 ) .
13 Much of it was always poor , and the sector of smallholders or dwarf peasants undoubtedly tended to increase .
14 Scottish & Newcastle Breweries also joined the ferment .
15 British & Commonwealth Holdings especially favoured smaller search firms ; they had received generally good service and quick results from those they had used , and appreciated the personal contact and cheaper price .
16 A D Hopeprotested that Patrick White always wrote ‘ the ribbon of tea wound through him ’ instead of ‘ he drank a cup of tea ’ .
17 Gone , for example , is the cherished place that easel painting once had at the head of the hierarchy of media .
18 Although Godfrey J. correctly concluded that the operation of the taxpayer which generated the taxable profits was one carried on in Hong Kong he went too far in saying that a taxpayer must establish the existence of a profit-generating operation outside Hong Kong if he is to escape a charge to tax under section 14 .
19 He pointed out that while the estimated number of drug users in the USA had fallen from 23,000,000 in 1985 to 14,000,000 in 1988 , evidence suggested that drug users now employed more types of drugs more frequently .
20 A man who can not base his decisions on precedent and logic has no business being on the bench ( a premise that Justice Brennan never forgot ) .
21 In an interview on Nov. 18 , Fujimori said that Gen. Palomino apparently had no direct responsibility in the events , but would nevertheless face proceedings in the military courts along with the other alleged conspirators .
22 Everyone knew that Duke William still had his hands full with Anjou and Aquitaine , but a victory was a victory , and the Normans drank deeply that Christmas , but not so deeply , as Osbern cheerfully assured his employer , that they would not be able to defend Scotia against anyone who tried to interfere with it .
23 There is certainly no evidence that Steven Morrissey ever considered himself capable of fronting a band in these wilderness years .
24 Nobody thought it odd that Mother Francis often went up the path past the blackberries to read her Office up by the cottage .
25 She adored the delicate materials with their strange names that Miss Hatherby always knew ; the quaint shapes and the beautiful , faded colours .
26 I understand that Miss Hauxwell usually did n't cut her grass until well into August , so that gave the plants plenty of time to bloom and seed .
27 The nervous enthusiasm of his expression was such that Miss Daunt afterwards confessed that she thought he was about to use the gun on her .
28 For a start , she had definitely got the impression that Miss Philimore always did her buying in person .
29 What is noticeable , however , is that Anthony Coburn never wrote for the series again after ‘ The Tribe of Gum ’ , and even on that story he did none of the rewriting which followed the less-than-successful screening of the pilot episode to BBC Department heads .
30 THE WAILERS ' ‘ Catch A Fire ’ was out by then , sure , but it was this soundtrack ( to a fantastic star-shoots-his-way-out-of-the-ghetto film starring Jimmy Cliff ) which finally and unimpeachably established the fact that skinhead ska really had metamorphosed into rude boy reggae and that the island of Jamaica was about to embark on a decade of musical creativity unmatched anywhere before or since .
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