Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] he to " in BNC.

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1 Either Jamie Baird was particularly close to Puddephat , or Puddephat wanted him to be .
2 Northumbrian annals record that Offa put him to flight ( perhaps with Hwiccian help ) and took the Mercian kingship .
3 Tavett was too preoccupied with his fear that Wickham believed him to be the murderer to form any judgments .
4 It was during the second week that Carol asked him to dinner at her parents ' place .
5 He found that K allowed him to ‘ look across the border into other realities ’ , and went on to take the drug every day for 100 days .
6 My Lord that is in dispute , it is in dispute firstly that in fact as a matter of fact , Mr had ever held himself out to be an experienced man er of business , that Peter believed him to be as such , er and in any event , even if he was to seem as such it is the plaintiff 's case that there was still a duty upon the solicitor in that situation .
7 Happily they lived together for several weeks , until Killigrew told his young bride that duty called him to town .
8 Though there is an element of ambiguity about the whereabouts of Wilfrid 's see , it is most likely that Ealhfrith intended him to be bishop of York , the significance of which is unlikely to have been lost on Wilfrid and his royal patron if Pope Gregory 's original plan to establish York as an archbishopric was known to them .
9 As a succession of paycops , stewardesses , diplomatics , immigration officials , armourcabbies , narcotics relay expeditors , hotel functionaries , arms dealers and hookers told him to ‘ have a snazz day ’ and shoved his credit card through their machines , he wondered whether they would like the real 21st century when Nguyen Seth rained it down on them .
10 He could tell that the young man was near to coming , but would not dare until Vashinov allowed him to .
11 Isabella 's plea to Edward to ‘ have pity on gentle Mortimer ’ was brushed aside , and Edward ordered him to be arrested and placed in safe custody .
12 Milton 's maintenance of the traditional Renaissance literary values of art , imitation , and exercise allowed him to be appropriated by a culturally elitist agenda indivisibly caught up with an elitist social and political agenda .
13 Lam 's biography seems tailor-made for todays ' infatuation with multiculturalism : he was born in Cuba to a Chinese father and a Creole mother , he was a Roman Catholic fascinated by Santeria ( Cuban animism ) , his studies and work took him to France , Spain , the United States and the Caribbean , and each of his three wives came from a different European country .
14 Their first soreness and troubles led him to Nairn .
15 French and Ukrainian , mathematics and chemistry bored him to the point of insanity ; only in music and English could he hope to get decent marks .
16 Lam 's stylistic passage through Primitivism , Cubism , and Surrealism show him to be a man of his times .
17 Theo was about to travel from The Hague to Etten , en route for a new post in Paris , and Vincent pressed him to ‘ leave the train ’ on the second leg of his journey and stay with him for a day or two .
18 Cain kills Abel — it is a short step from rebellion to bloodshed — and God condemns him to a nomadic life , but provides protection against death .
19 Mann said it could be done and Denega drove him to the chapel to see ‘ if the small cracks in the facade could be enlarged ’ .
20 But his honesty and modesty endeared him to many who valued his wise advice : not a few he encouraged to posts of greater responsibility and challenge .
21 In his heart Gaveston knew that young Edward quite liked the clerk ; admired the man 's fidelity and unwillingness to criticise him to his terrible father .
22 Fox arrived with an assistant and Wycliffe took him to the vandalized room .
23 An exception is made in this instance because the policeman 's task in maintaining law and order exposes him to a greater risk of attack than other members of the public .
24 He was a file-grinder by trade , sitting astride a roaring belt-driven stone wheel , breathing in dust for eight hours a day until chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis drove him to an early retirement .
25 Iago 's practice of inversion , by which he destroys Cassio while making him and others believe him to be Cassio 's friend , and by which he turns Desdemona 's purity into a black , viscous liquid that will catch his victims like birds in quicklime , has been fully established by Shakespeare and shown to be successful .
26 He obstructed collection of ship money in 1638 and Poole returned him to both 1640 Parliaments .
27 Lord Morris said that a consideration of the facts and documents led him to the view that the solus agreement , the loan agreement and the mortgage could be linked together as an instance of one transaction and that the intention was that in providing that the mortgage should be irredeemable for the period of the tie it should become a support for the solus agreement .
28 This power can only belong to a person if others acknowledge him to be an expert .
29 The sound of a horse and chaise brought him to his feet .
30 The tariff policy therefore carried with it the last hope of consolidating the Empire and the last hope of reversing the drift into class politics ; as a pessimist , Law saw further ahead than most of his contemporaries , and events proved him to be more nearly right than they were .
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