Example sentences of "[conj] [unc] as i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Well you said that er as I recall , that if you had a major proposal say for example within the centre of Easingwold ,
2 And er as I 've said before , I have n't seen a a barrel of oil burning and the heat and smoke that comes off that you consider the amount of oil that would have been in the separators on the platform at the time , I think it would have still have caused an awful lot of heat and an awful lot of smoke and fire , and er just shutting off the oil coming back to the platform maybe would n't have helped that much .
3 And erm we used to kick this tin down the hill and er as I say it would roll down and we would all go and hide anywhere , back garden , front garden , over a wall , round a corner , anywhere like that you see .
4 And er as I say we had a concert after this but th th I ca n't remember whether they were professionals or whether any good amateur people .
5 And er as I say , the only people I know on here now , are people that I 've met actually off here .
6 Er and er as I say , the it was a , it was a line that we could never take objectively .
7 And then well I met John , when I was in there , started going out with him , and er as I say when you get married in there you had to leave , so this , this was the next job they offered me .
8 and er , and so , and er as I say er I 've had a most wonderful life and I 've been a widow now for ten years .
9 And er as I say , at the moment
10 Is she , where , is she actually proposing that these should be located ? in , in the countryside , in , in towns ? because they 're sens sensitivities o on that particular on the siting of that er particular activity and er we 're seen it elsewhere , er , those of us who have been on this committee for some time will know the concern that there are about the location of waste recycling facilities and er as I say I would hate that we would have a list of sites across the county which would just start paying us money and quite frankly should never be started .
11 Oh oh yeah well there was no option , you 'd got to cos you dare n't speak you 'd oh er friendly in our lunch break you know er dinner break really we did n't have lunch time erm we were all friendly together and er as I say er we got on alright , but you 'd er you 'd got to stick at your job absolutely you dare n't move oh , they do n't know they are born today
12 Eleven o'clock , there were n't restrictions then on , they could keep open as long as they liked , no restrictions on , on time , and er as I say their own place you know it really it was picturesque , I thought in since erm I contacted you I 've been thinking how , what I could help with and er what I could still think about , and er it was really a sight because to walk and it always used to be crowded , well it was one of the best markets round here and er people used to go off and from Bloxwich and er although there 's a good market at Walsall there was n't a Bloxwich market then sadly for years and years , but erm and then if you went to Wolverhampton you got to walk through Windsfield you got to er walk everywhere you went then and except on a Saturday night when the wagonettes used to run on a Saturday but it was amazing to see the girl behind the range now controlling
13 Erm they began the union just before I left Bellany and of course it was cried down and erm they had meetings and the lot , and then all the miners were on strike at the time , and er my father and brother were both miners and er my brother was very friendly with Mr and Mr next door and er anyway er we decided to come out on strike for Bellany 's union and of course erm they , the , one , I think it was Mr said Joey he said er did you know we 're out on strike here and my brother said it seemed to be catching does n't it he did n't say he could n't say I worked there you see but erm it , it caused an upset but still up to a point the unions were good because we 're all badly underpaid for what we did , and the hours we worked they would n't tolerate it nowadays , but erm I forget er I joined the union and if you did n't you were a blackleg you know you , they wanted you to join the union from then I 've been in the union all , until I finished work but erm they , they got us our rises and er as I say the , the money was n't er very good and then the union did fight for the rises and they 'd got to pay it or lose all the er employees but erm I was , I was satisfied with without it , I 've been satisfied with my life you know I 've had , there 's been humorous there 's been sad but erm I 'm still able to get around and that 's the main thing .
14 And er as I say that was one of the busiest bakeries in Edinburgh .
15 and er as I say , this woman at this Department of Health , where I 'm going tomorrow she 'll probably get me in contact with erm er people that 'll help me to do the bits that I need .
16 and er we moved over there because erm the Department was splitting at the seams really , because immediately there was erm , the war was over and there were all sorts of plans for erm for development and that sort of thing and erm as I 've already mentioned there were two , only two graduates in the whole of the Education Department who was Mr and er his Personal Assistant and erm then after the war there were three graduates appointed , all of them from erm , ex service men , there was Arthur who was erm Lieutenant Commander in the Navy , there was erm Bud , I ca n't remember his Christ proper christian name .
17 And erm as I 've said before the A sixty four corridor or the A sixty four road is already an existing high quality dual carriageway road .
18 There 's only one thing that struck me when I was reading through it but a as I say , we we got to look at this from point of view are we going to date this as it lies at the present moment and add to it pieces that we want , or do we start off by having the pieces o i its its now whe w w
19 I had to pay some money , I just forget now , very little but er as I 've said half a dozen times now , I always wanted to do what was right , you know , and I aim to do that .
20 But er as I say there were people really worse off than we were but we were n't all that well off and my mother as I say took in washing and did black leading and all that sort of thing for very small remuneration .
21 erm that can sometimes help certainly , yeah , but er as I say er I think there should be it should yield a , a fair amount of data for you and , and you know with a bit of , are you a stat view or S P S S person or any strong
22 But erm as I say , they did er , the people did but you never got nothing off the government for it and er , I 've always said it , he must have been a much better man than I thought he was because er , er , to go as I say from what it was in those days to start his own business and that .
23 I do n't , I 've never known of any , no I have n't know of any at Willenhall , but erm as I say it 's a long way you know through
24 I have n't enjoyed the last two years down there , but erm as I say , let's stick our necks out and say ‘ United are going to win down at the County ground ’ .
25 Well I do because er As I say , my son more or less runs it now .
26 Because er as I say erm if the opportunity came along and er given the unemployment problems in the borough erm it may be that we would wish to take that opportunity .
27 They can expect me as er as I say but probably , for me , one of the more interesting papers on the whole agenda today .
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