Example sentences of "[conj] [unc] [pron] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because he would have told you I hope that er we sell advertising space into , well you 've seen some samples over there .
2 There 's a sports centre not too far from here that er I play badminton .
3 Er , I knew that er he had access to firearms .
4 It is clear to me from Mr evidence that er he regards school as entirely appropriate for the plaintiff .
5 We also was discussing earlier on that er you play squash .
6 Assuming for the moment that unc we give Proof of Theorem 1.4.5 Let S be the set of all non-negative integers belonging
7 But our entertainments sub committee for instance sort of er changes an people join it and y you know sort of er .
8 Er that was when I was there but now it 's pumped ashore with well by hose from the ship you know and er they put water in about once or twice a year .
9 and they 've got everything in it and er they do wine tasting and , and all this lot and you know their , their cheeses and that , they 've got all that then .
10 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
11 And er I remembering Dad , once he bought a cherry tree , and went up to get all these here cherries off the trees , and when we got them we used to wipe them and put them in a bag , and sell them at the fairs .
12 And er I told Mum the other day that w in double science we 've still got to do one and a half topics .
13 And er I lost touch with her after that but Joyce was very nice , very , very a down to earth cockney girl from Hockston and she said er she 'd tell her sister she said I do admire my sister she said they 'll never have anything other than a council house , I do n't suppose but she said my brother-in-law mends people 's motorcycles as a side line and the money that he gets from that he gives her most of it and she buys things on hire purchase , this was the days when hire purchase was n't fearsomely expensive
14 And er I have chicken .
15 In fact I think it 's true to say that when the forty six hectare figure wa was agreed , it was known that the coal field was coming and er I think time has shown has n't brought anything like the number of jobs or economic
16 Yes er that 's been the essence of what I 've wanted is er I 've , I 've had to have what I 've wanted by hook or by crook , and I do n't mean crook in a bad sense , I mean one way or another , you know what I mean and er I did job for the casters , same as they did jobs for me , you know and that 's how I 've gone through life , that is Michael .
17 And er you know rally round each other and I think it 's no more than that really no more or no less you know it 's er .
18 Absolutely yeah and er you know kind of er it 's absolutely impossible to , to determine exactly what it is that 's , that 's , you know , propelling people 's sexuality is n't it ?
19 He was a grand master er and er you got Greek and Latin and all these sort of things .
20 and er she went sort of thing .
21 And er she picked screwdriver up , well she thought it were a pen and I thought God she 's got a screwdriver and she 's gon na stab me and I put thirty plus thirty four
22 and er police rang them up Tuesday , cos er they found car at Great Alton , they went to pick it up , somebody had nicked it again
23 If unc we write Sf for the set{ sf : s ε S } and call this set the image of S under f .
24 You cos you know Bonnie yeah , sh she erm got offered a er job in Glitters in Camden yeah it 's a shop in Camden , and sh she told Honey and Dan about it yeah and the next thing she knows yeah like the next day , she 's talking to Dan and Honey and Honey comes out and says oh I went down to Glitters and asked for a job right said right to Honey 's face I mean Bonnie 's face .
25 You know , he 's giving , gip about this girl or something he said and ye you took offence !
26 and erm they 'd sort of asked and said , you know , it 's possible .
27 And erm we did driftwood sculpture some folk did monster outside the door .
28 and erm I had jaundice as well which I 'd contracted from Jim
29 And I thi and erm I think west was seven , and that 's only five centimetres , so I extended it another two centimetres .
30 And erm I think Road is the key element of this traffic because not only is it a question of the estate but it 's the main through road from the up to Gatwick Airport and this is why er I understand that the calming proposal in road has yet to receive the M O T authority to use it because scheme .
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