Example sentences of "[conj] [be] still [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the same way , the country will add up how much has been paid or is still owed from overseas countries for goods exported to them .
2 He produced many of the beautiful hybrid varieties that are still sought after by tropical waterlily enthusiasts — although now devoted tropical water-lily growers are developing new strains every year .
3 It is ethyl acetate and isopropanol , not their systematic equivalents , that are still used in coating or laminating flexible webs for numerous industrial applications .
4 He even got the guarantees that were still left on Curtis and Marsh 's contracts paid up by Downton and then negotiated huge deals with the Kane Corporation for both of them .
5 Whichever explanation is revealed by the major research effort that is still needed for the rest of the 1980s , the population changes discussed above have also had a major impact on rural communities , and so it is to this topic that attention is now turned .
6 Irouléguy is unique : it has given its name to the one wine that is still produced in the whole of the Basque country .
7 News of the Polish plan comes hot on the heels of the introduction of restrictions on currency convertability that threaten to wipe out the Slovakian market ; both developments underline the degree of risk that is still attached to operating in the region .
8 She ruffled his hair , pulling out a leaf that was still caught in his curls .
9 One peasant walked 15 versts to get Yakovlev to act on a building designated for a school that was still occupied by an influential peasant .
10 She 'd always known she possessed a temper , of course ; but , after one horribly painful childhood incident that was still burned into her memory like a scar , she 'd fought hard to master it , refusing ever again to let anger get the better of her .
11 It does n't seem fair that women put in just as much effort , dedication and time as men , and are still treated in a second-class fashion .
12 Yet although it may be true that many types and styles of kung fu began here , it can not be realistically argued that all the varieties of kung fu that were and are still practised in China have their roots in Shaolin .
13 The rootstocks were developed at government research stations and are still known by their reference numbers .
14 Its reaching out to the people who 've not been through the processes that we 've been through and are still attached to ideas that are in essence racist , imperialist , sexist , heterosexist , and how we , nevertheless , draw those people into activity .
15 Mustafa ( Bostanzade ) , later to become Multi of Istanbul , Muidzade prevailed in the argument and , according to Ata'i , his fetvas on the subject were preserved in the court registers and were still referred to in Ata'i 's own day . "
16 One of these entered the popular literature and is still repeated by journalists , despite the fact that Hugh McClean , who , in admitting his part in the Shankill UVF killings , is supposed to have said : ‘ I am terribly sorry I ever heard of that man Paisley or decided to follow him ’ , later denied making such a statement to the police .
17 Dill-water or gripe-water is , at any rate , several hundred years old in usage , and is still called upon today .
18 On a seat beneath General Wolfe 's statue , which looks down on the river and is still scarred by the bombs of a war later than the one in which he died , Coffin rested for a while .
19 Their exclusive claim to punish clergymen for ordinary offences has long since disappeared ; the power to try and punish laymen for immorality has become practically obsolete ; their jurisdiction over the matters of ritual , and ecclesiastical offences of clergymen , such as heresy , still remains and is still exercised by them .
20 With 27 branches nationwide , Beaverbrooks has retained its outstanding reputation for fine quality jewellery and is still run as a family concern , with customer satisfaction the most important guiding principle .
21 Literary studies remain a specific and coherent science ; literariness still remains its object , and is still constituted by the differential strategy which opposes defamiliarization and automatization .
22 If the carriage stops short and is still connected to the band , when you then try to take the lace carriage across , the band can not move and it will snap .
23 The Labour Party was set up by the trade unions and is still funded by the trade unions .
24 It was used extensively during the Second World War , and is still used in parts of the Third World to help eradicate malaria and typhus .
25 The sickle is one of the oldest surviving implements in farming , and is still used in Suffolk — in the Bures district — but for harvesting thyme for seed and not for corn .
26 This question the politics of cancer and is still used in health and educational venues .
27 Maris Otter was first listed as an approved variety by the Barley Committee of the Institute of Brewing 26 years ago and is still used by brewers such as Youngs , Brakspear and Eldridge Pope .
28 In later centuries the mace was to become an emblem of authority , and is still used by town councils and corporations in Europe as a ceremonial implement .
29 The ‘ lucky ’ tag stuck , however , for years after and is still used by people ignorant of its origins .
30 According to Naisbitt , this technique was used extensively by American intelligence during the Second World War and is still used by intelligence services today .
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