Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So it is all the more remarkable that in France , Spain and Italy , where politicians hesitate before being less than wholeheartedly Europhile , parties have either come into government , or may soon do so , that are less enthusiastic about European union than those they replaced .
2 He had a gift for coming up with innovative ideas , suggesting links that others would never dream of , and testing them in a rough way to see if they were flawed or might instead lead somewhere .
3 If coal was just another industry or a medium-sized company in the private sector whose product was not as much in demand as previously , or had been superseded by another product that it could not make or compete with it , that industry or company would slim down or might even close altogether — with the same tragic effect on families and communities as has been seen in the coal industry .
4 An l.e.d. requires 2V approximately between its ends to make it work and the output from the stereo would hardly achieve this or might only do so intermittently with loud sounds .
5 But I would much rather find Mason puzzling than feel , as I do only too often , that I know all too well what so many of his more consistently praised contemporaries are on about , in music that routinely tells me nothing I did n't know already , or would indeed prefer never to hear again .
6 ‘ We make or break human life every day of every year as probably no other force on earth has ever done in the past or will ever do again
7 They should be reminded too that canned baked beans in tomato sauce are highly nutritious and can be a quick and convenient addition to many main meals or can even make quite a good meal on their own if they are served on buttered toast .
8 A plant that may only flower once in a hundred years but grows at up to seven inches a day is catching on with gardeners .
9 Mr Taylor has constantly refused to bow to public pressure and select certain players , sticking instead to his guns a policy that may now lead directly to his downfall .
10 Things do , of course , indeed they seem to succumb to The Second Law of Thermodynamics at a rate that must occasionally surprise even the most paranoid of entropy theorists .
11 What had been going on in her cabin could only have led to one thing , and that was something that must never happen again .
12 It is a direct intuition of God , in effect a hotline that bypasses the ambiguous world of the senses that might indeed provide only partial or uncertain evidence of the Deity .
13 Carter are unlikely and entirely pop stars , the kind of phenom that could only happen here .
14 Their answer to the question they pose is to say that education systems are to be justified on the grounds that they develop ‘ intellectual competence that would otherwise go largely undeveloped ’ ( 1978 , p. 4 ) .
15 The program also includes a spelling checker — that can be used to correct mistakes that would otherwise appear either on your slides or your associated handouts .
16 Buses that would otherwise sit unproductively in garages could be turned out to provide services for doctors ' surgeries , shopping and social trips .
17 They speed up the rates of interconversions of compounds that would otherwise proceed too slowly to be useful .
18 Within that frigate were seeds of destruction that would soon burst forth .
19 there is not a single piece by anyone other than himself on these discs which he is not able to rattle off with the short of nonchalant ease that would probably make even ARgerich or Pollini green with envy .
20 Tickets that would normally cost over £100 have been made available , through specific community organisations , for £10 .
21 While holding no important posts within the party and often dismissed as little more than a colourless clerk of little talent by Mao 's colleagues , he distinguished himself as a devoted and tireless servant both of Mao and his new wife Jiang Qing — qualities that would later prove far more important than any formal title .
22 That flicker of pain and anger that would never go away .
23 This was the very fringe of his parish , that part that would never become residentially ‘ desirable ’ because it was too near the railway , and many of the big gaunt houses had been taken over by families of West Indians .
24 In consequence , they are less concerned to fashion a constitution that would limit democratic politics than they are to introduce a constitution that would facilitate a new type of democratic politics that would then make more likely coalition government and the kind of moderate , stable , policies which they regard as at one with the broad mass of public opinion and in the national interest itself .
25 An issue that will soon become far more pressing than arguments over corporate real estate is the future of large systems database management programs .
26 And they 're all nice engines but there is nothing that will ever get anywhere near the V twelve .
27 A well made piece of kit that will undoubtedly become more apparent on our banks during the coming seasons .
28 Others stand nearby , waiting for the invitation that will never come totally unconditionally .
29 But I think that everyone concerned needs to realise that this is not a process without cost , nor one that can magically happen overnight .
30 Nothing that can possibly matter much .
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