Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , someone who is primarily in a bulimic phase of the disease may binge on lettuce or on other foodstuffs that have particularly low calorie value and weight-producing potential or may even control body weight by dramatically reducing fluid intake .
2 Depending on the length of course you choose , content may be essentially to do with financial planning or may also include health and leisure plus the social and emotional adjustments to retirement .
3 Commonly , later stages of cements precipitated during veining episodes may induce neomorphism of earlier cements , replacing them partially or completely , or may merely precipitate films of new material along crystal interfaces between existing cements .
4 To this end , the semantic net must itself convey a meaningful model of the world or must somehow present patterns to the user that are easily understood .
5 This may be because its members had , or could soon sink roots into , some sort of community belonging to a structured society .
6 Whether you love cichlids or would rather keep wasps for a hobby , can I urge you to ready Mary 's article in case you ever wish to take advantage of our service .
7 Now how many of the sectors as again as defined ones which we 've agreed we will examine , er would fit or would be con would be consistent with regional , sub-regional policies or would possibly cause conflict with those if er they were the receiving the receiving area for a new settlement ?
8 No Government in this country today which has not faith in the future , love for its fellow-men , and which will not work and work and work will ever bring this country through into better days and better times , or will ever bring Europe through , or the world through.6
9 It is the experience of other sociologists on similar missions that their findings are frequently cast in a negative role — that certain conservation measures will not succeed or will actually do harm — and also that they are frequently overridden or relegated to writing a disparate chapter in a project document or report entitled ‘ Social constraints to soil and water conservation ’ .
10 allow 1 link for each user image that may concurrently access LIFESPAN from either the host or remote nodes ( probably the same as MAXCONCURRENTUSERS in the LIFESPAN configuration file )
11 allow 1 link for every user image that may concurrently access LIFESPAN from the remote node
12 The deputy prime minister , Don Mazankowski , will make a more jovial finance minister in the run-up to the next election than Michael Wilson , whose demotion — to a handful of trade and industry posts — has been covered with talk of the undoubted need for Canada to become more competitive in a free-trade area that may soon include Mexico .
13 But I think it tends to save any type of … any misunderstandings that may later take place as a result of it being a one-on-one deal .
14 He dissociated the Church totally with any boundary walking that may still take place .
15 It is also influenced by the fact that the company is incorporated in the US and has dual US and UK residence for tax purposes , a refinement that may actually preclude investment by some UK funds ; more generally , complications of this nature are a deterrent to investors .
16 Officials say that this is a sensible sort of calculation and exercise that should properly take place at this stage in the fiscal year .
17 It is written in a reassuring way that should positively assist nurses , midwives and health visitors and allay understandable anxieties .
18 This is not an argument that should only concern South-easterners .
19 Although famed for rattling off statistics on the recession , rather than the ‘ vision thing ’ , his Sovereignty Lecture for Charter 88 at the start of the election campaign set out some useful parameters for the debate that must now take place : on citizenship and community , ‘ not just tidying up our constitution but transforming it ’ .
20 This , I quickly discovered from liberal rugby followers , was the disappointing result that might finally shake South African rugby 's Afrikaaner establishment to the core .
21 The Floating Church for Seamen was not the only example … there were inventions that might also serve God : the pews for the use of the deaf , for example , which could be connected to the pulpit with gutta-percha pipes .
22 It only remained for us to forgive one another , and for my part I gladly forgave him for anything that might still need forgiveness .
23 They give you the immediate impression of being a band here to stay : one that 'll potentially outlast changes in the musical landscape , without turning into listed institutions like Simple Minds .
24 Nor could much video information be stored on the disc .
25 Peter Brown , chairman of the Thomas Coram foundation , said : ‘ Unless the human imperative of individual dereliction is addressed alongside the more visual investment in environmental dereliction , and however well we spend it this means more money , the country will find itself in a downward spiral of inner-city social decay that could well substitute Drug Alley for the Gin Lane of Coram 's and Hogarth 's day . ’
26 By then Kismayu was established as a tinderbox that could again plunge Somalia into civil war .
27 Whether there was any political party that could comfortably find room for him was a difficult question .
28 We normally start with the part that could possibly give problems : in this case , the wc ; the rest can be done another day if absolutely necessary .
29 Professor Anthony Kay describes a case in which the council avoided investigating what many would have expected to be the central issue — was the accused doctor offering a treatment that could undoubtedly do harm but for which there was no scientific evidence of benefit ?
30 Meanwhile , Neil Kinnock , leader of the one party that could actually bring PR about , is refusing to say where Labour stands on the issue .
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