Example sentences of "[conj] [be] also [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems probable that Kent imported material directly from the Frankish world ; Scandinavian imports to Kent may have come directly or were also channelled through Francia .
2 Against each group a preliminary choice of chemical is made based on chemical types that are also listed in chapter one .
3 We see nothing wrong in designing vehicles that are intended for motion but we feel it wrong to design ideas that are also intended for motion .
4 Today a great deal of local politics is arranged along party lines , and most councillors represent the political parties that are also found at Westminster .
5 The Interludium therefore occurs in a later copy than the extant copy of Dame Sirith , and since Dame Sirith contains details that are also found in the other European versions of the tale , such as the object of the clerk 's desires being a married woman , not a " girl " , it is regarded as impossible for Dame Sirith to be derived from the Interludium .
6 As well as the low-end K2 boxes , Sequent will also be launching a series of high-end , Pentium-ready systems that are also thought to be NT-capable .
7 They might , therefore , reasonably be expected to share characteristics that were also possessed by those common ancestors , even if they have unique characteristics as well .
8 Communications with Tamiami Airport and with WAM were not re-established as FlyPast went to press , but Susy Q , the WAM B–17 , is thought to have been blown over on top of the A–26 Invader and/or B–23 Dragon that were also stored outside the WAM hangar .
9 For other mascarades of a similar informal nature that were also performed in rooms , not theatres , most notably several composed by André Danican Philidor in 1688 and 1700 , quite a lot of information about the staging survives .
10 Her work is deeply involved with landscape and shows an insight that is also seen in her portraiture .
11 Abulafia used the phrase ‘ to untie the knots ’ to describe this process of getting beyond our normal sense-perceptions — it is a phrase that is also used in Tibetan Buddhism .
12 It is a class alliance that creates an objective link between indigenous capital and labour and one that is also linked to the progressive features of capitalist development .
13 Moreover , glial tumours express p185 erbB2 ( refs 43 , 44 ) , a candidate receptor for these proteins that is also associated with adenocarcinoma formation .
14 That is true of some uncontroversial matters , but recently there have been several Bills of this kind , such as the one after the Hungerford massacre — that was rushed through the House and not dealt with properly — the council tax Bill — that was rushed through the House and is a mess — and the Dangerous Dogs Bill that was also rushed through all its stages .
15 I think it 's a point that was also raised by Mr in our discussions on Friday , where he said of course , with the advent of the better orbital road around York he f he he felt that it probably was not such a material factor .
16 These culminate in the prayer that was also used at each Canonical Hour of the Cross and that brings to mind the glory , joy and life which was man 's birthright , forfeited at the Fall but renewed by Incarnation .
17 So successful has the state system been that it has lost only about 1 per cent of its operations to a private competitor under the system of tendering for the provision of local passenger services that was also introduced by the 1988 rail reforms .
18 The restrictions generated by rational expectations models are very often non-linear and are also imposed across equations rather than in a single equation .
19 Rocks and stones stand for immutability , and are also endowed with a spiritual quality .
20 Bulk tank brushes : Designed for use in the dairy industry , for the application that their name implies , these brushes have the elongated profile of a hedgehog and are also fitted to 600–900 mm handles .
21 However , these subcrop units are not restricted to such areas and are also overlain by non-anomalous Bunter uplift zones .
22 The awards — which started in Malaysia 18 years ago and are also award in other countries where Guinness operates — recognises achievements in a variety of fields and are intended to foster a sense of pride and civic consciousness among Malaysians .
23 They are waiting to hear from English Heritage and are also hoping for a grant from the East Hampshire District Council .
24 The prevailing rates are published daily in the Financial Times , and are also displayed on Prestel and in all our branches .
25 These specialized tactile hairs form the whiskers of the upper lips , and are also found on the cheeks and the chin , over the eyes and on the wrists of the forelegs .
26 Faceted and polished pebbles are not all that common and are also found in periglacial conditions where wind action may have been important , e.g. the Breckland of East Anglia .
27 These codes will be used during the design process and are also used for some of the colour coded printout formats .
28 Er G E C Marconi 's are the leader of a consortium , a four nation consortium of companies that are supplying the computer and are also contributing to the software .
29 Earthworms provide the perfect snack for most cichlids and are also relished by every other type of fish that can manage them .
30 The leaves have a distinctive aniseed flavour and are also known as ‘ dill weed ’ .
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