Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [adj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The authors therefore examined the data for explanations as to why some women were more vulnerable than others , or , expressed another way , why some women seemed resilient to , or protected from , or were able to cope with adversity such that they did not develop clinical depression .
2 However , this should not hide the fact that many , especially urban , councils have capital resources that are inadequate to deal with the problems that face them .
3 Nice numbers that are easy to work with we can count out the pennies , count on our fingers , let you .
4 It also means subscription to Foucaultian power/knowledge assumptions that are difficult to square with demands for modernist universalism .
5 Every effort should be made to discover whether the family have the ability to put themselves in hypothetical situations and conceptualise and deal with the difficulties that are likely to arise with the black child , particularly during adolescence .
6 There had to be agencies and clinics that were competent to deal with drug abuse , while the best I could be was an enthusiastic amateur , and that was rarely good enough .
7 True physical fitness is something more than being able to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life .
8 The aim of this factsheet is to provide advice and information to elderly people on the help that is available to assist with heating costs and other fuel problems .
9 Such a possibility should be considered in all patients with unstable asthma that is difficult to control with conventional treatment .
10 The 1989 glitch , like the 1975 one , caused a permanent increase in the slowdown rate , of a magnitude that is difficult to reconcile with current neutron star models .
11 Halliday 's approach is one that is hard to reconcile with this everyday insight about " style " .
12 The big advantage of old , slightly faded curtains is that they are a good starting point round which to build a comfortable , well-used look ; one that is hard to achieve with brand-new designer materials .
13 Access areas such as halls , landings , conservatories and stairs need a floorcovering that is able to cope with heavy traffic and maybe dirty shoes .
14 Is there anything that 's fundamental changed with I mean we 're using exactly the same formulation .
15 While a large number of the items taken from Germany are held in special State-run storage facilities and are easy to work with , the majority of works removed from Russia were scattered over the world in the post-war period ’ .
16 Women suckle and tend the physical needs of their young , and are available to play with them and respond to them .
17 The defendants are an authorised institution under the Act , and are anxious to comply with the section 39 notice , but are concerned that compliance might breach the terms of the injunction .
18 Mr. Wuben and his staff pride themselves on the friendly service offered to all guests , they are sure to give you a real Dutch welcome and are happy to help with a wealth of information to help you really enjoy your visit .
19 You now feel enhanced respect for your counterparts and are willing to work with them again .
20 The manner in which archivists and historians are dealing and are ready to deal with electronically produced data , and the adequacy of this response and of potential responses varies with the environment and nature of the data concerned .
21 Young children appear to acquire a " grammar " of story comparatively early and are able to deal with the sequencing with reasonable success — i.e. the initial events are sequenced initially in the text and so on .
22 Most of the children want the railway and are prepared to help with the survey , but a few want things to remain as they are , and they want to organise resistance to the coming of the railway .
23 And while the rewards in terms of job satisfaction have not reached the dizzy heights of the 1980s , Mr Wilson stresses : ‘ You have to have a thick skin and be prepared to stick with it through the bad times as well as the good . ’
24 He should hold the down wind wing-tip a little above the horizontal and be prepared to run with it , not just balance it and let go .
25 So , this is the situation you must practise and be able to cope with .
26 Emotional resilience — to feel one 's own pain or tiredness or loneliness or what-have-you and be able to deal with it without " going to pieces " — is a fundamental requirement .
27 If one accepts this , even if only for the present and not as an inevitable fact for the future , then a responsibility lies with hearing society to meet not only the communication requirements of deaf people but also to understand and be able to work with this group in their language .
28 It is at this stage , that the food service designer should be appointed and be able to work with the architect from the inception of the building .
29 For example , Christine Horton ( 1989 ) told the conference she regretted that many aspects of policing had a symbolic role which were not conducive to quantitative measures and were difficult to present with absolute objectivity .
30 The communists in Shanghai were influenced more by nationalism and were prepared to cooperate with the provisional government , nominally presided over by Rhee .
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