Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are some conditions here I 've never seen in my career or am ever likely to see again , ’ says one of the group 's doctors .
2 It is reported that Mrs Thatcher has been keen to ensure that those promoted are sympathetic to her scale of values or are not unwilling to break away from the style of middle-of-the-road consensus policies that have predominated in recent years .
3 The bickering prompted former Tory Premier Sir Edward Heath to urge Mr Major to dismiss all the rebels who either want ‘ to bring him down ’ , or are not prepared to stay loyal to Government policy .
4 This has serious implications for people in rural areas who can not afford to run a car or are physically unable to do so .
5 You are either very new to the game , or are terribly strong willed .
6 Dolphins captured in nets can be freed if skippers and crew are sufficiently compassionate or are legally obliged to do so .
7 Because the majority of college lecturers have yet to be convinced that there are better ways of conveying information — e.g. by the use of video or computer — or are too lazy to investigate or to try them .
8 More than half a million people are treated for sexually transmitted diseases each year — and many more go untreated because they either do not recognise symptoms or are too embarrassed to go to their doctor .
9 If you 've been prescribed suppositories and you 're not sure how to use them or are too embarrassed to ask , the pharmacist will have explanatory leaflets .
10 ‘ To constitute an appropriation of goods to the contract , the parties must have had , or be reasonably supposed to have had , an intention to attach the contract irrevocably to those goods . ’
11 Weather , temperature , position , fertility and such factors all have an effect upon the flowering period , but by and large , most roses will begin to bloom , or be almost ready to do so , from late May into June .
12 He charmed his victims , drugged them , assaulted them and felt confident they would either not know what had happened or be too embarrassed to tell .
13 They may therefore take up the offer more speedily than they otherwise would , or be more reluctant to leave their existing job to search for another job .
14 Speaking after a meeting with EC Finance Ministers in Luxembourg he envisaged that a smaller number of countries with low inflation ( France , West Germany , Belgium , Netherlands and Luxembourg ) would enter a European central banking system and that others who had not reached the same degree of economic convergence , or were not ready to give up sufficient sovereignty rights , would be invited to enter later .
15 We teachers need actually to say to the children that they are going to enjoy the work that day , that it will be interesting , and that they are going to know or be able to do things at the end of the day that they did n't know or were n't able to do before .
16 Such species , says Dawkins , were less likely to go extinct than smaller species , or were more likely to split off new , larger species like themselves .
17 But remember the words of Glidwell LJ in Rex Stewart Jeffries Parker Ginsberg Ltd v Parker [ 1988 ] IRLR 483 : " in the end , whether a particular provision is or is not reasonable to protect the employer 's legitimate interest is a matter of impression " .
18 Instabilities , both in lasers and passive resonators ( E , 0 , lossy cavity ) , are termed single mode or multimode according to whether the resulting frequency spectrum for E ( 0 , t ) is or is not narrow compared to the free spectral range .
19 When would you be able to devote the time , or the knowledge , to select , as you call it , what is or is not fit to publish ?
20 The third force is the headteachers , for it is they who have the most decisive influence on what it is or is not safe to do or say in a school .
21 So measures of poor welfare include finding that , because of the way an animal is kept or treated , it is not able to live as long or finding that it is not able to grow or is not able to breed .
22 It seems plausible to suppose that unless a person enjoys or is soon likely to acquire effective power in a society he does not possess legitimate political authority over that society .
23 Neither the court nor a Chief Constable could compel an officer to do acts which can only lawfully be done if the officer himself with reasonable cause suspects that a breach of the peace has occurred or is imminently likely to occur .
24 If the child does not know or is too shy to talk a suggestion that ‘ Perhaps mum or dad can remind you ? ’ and encouraging the parents to talk is one way around the problem .
25 She 's a long way from any source of supply and if there 's something that has to be specially made , or is too bulky to fly out — a new engine , for instance … ’
26 How to avoid the problems which a business can encounter following the sudden death or disablement of a director or key employee ; and the insurance cover every business needs — or is legally obliged to have — against common accidents and other perils .
27 No single world currency exists ( or is ever likely to exist ) to facilitate trade and financial flows although some do perform monetary functions outside their national boundaries .
28 Thereafter we carried on with the hearing of the argument on whether Thorpe J. was or was not right to make the order which he did in the different circumstances which then existed and as to the more general issues raised by this appeal .
29 Sometimes he acted too hastily or was too reluctant to compromise , and in his first years in the White House he had to endure some harsh criticism .
30 ‘ Yes , he did , but Jason either did n't know or was too frightened to speak .
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