Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The health authority has made it clear that it is initiating an inquiry to establish the levels of staffing and back-up staffing that are necessary to ensure that there are no shortages .
2 but they were enormous , they were , they were very substantial , but , erm , well I , I think that the point here is that one can have a minimum requirement , but depending upon the facts and the circumstances and the nature of the market , so on and so forth , well they have , the commission said , you can have no restrictions at all cos we 're not going to give you exemption , so you 'd better make sure that they are the absolutely bear minimum that are necessary to ensure that every person capable of competing can get into the market .
3 Paula was amazed by the security arrangements that were necessary to ensure that the new season 's collections remained exclusive — the windows at the rear of the premises were heavily barred and practically the first thing she had to do on commencing her employment was to sign a contract promising that she would not breathe a word about the designs she saw .
4 The general evidence that is available suggests that more advanced driving instruction , plus better signs , signals , street lighting and road marking would cut the accident rate .
5 And Mr Wolski had nodded and been pleased to hear that said .
6 We are looking at the training arrangements and are anxious to ensure that our future forces receive the best and most relevant forms of training in the most efficient and cost-effective way .
7 The duke and his close associates saw this small office as ‘ some mean to treat those folks who Club together and are disposed to believe that I 'm incompatible wt them ’ .
8 Children and young people have a right not to be mistreated , and are entitled to expect that adults will intervene to help them if they are being abused or neglected .
9 Many of us are keen for the bay to be redeveloped , and are glad to note that low-cost housing is being provided there .
10 Usually this is because they got ready before the rain started falling and are unable to see that they are not going to stay up unless they wait until the shower has passed .
11 I refer to your recent application for the above position and am pleased to advise that you have been selected for interview .
12 Over the years , although never establishing a close friendship with the Profumos , I have had an admiring acquaintance with both of them and am happy to see that their marriage was not ruined by this solitary episode and distressed indeed by its revival from time to time by creatures animated solely by greed .
13 Never use silver dip or abrasive powders on gold and be sure to check that any commercial cleaner you are using is specifically designed for gold .
14 Never buy a barn without planning permission for conversion , and be prepared to find that you are very restricted in what you can do to it .
15 Any intelligent man , once he has been given the opportunity to voice his feelings , will understand just what he has done and be able to see that it makes no sense at all to build upon an isolated failure when he has a lifetime of ‘ successes ’ about which he could think .
16 An SFA member must apply appropriate expertise and be able to show that it believes on reasonable grounds that an advertisement that it issues or approves is fair and not misleading .
17 Parents who grew up in the sixties , when the cult of the teenager first took hold , may still look and feel young and be unready to acknowledge that their children are growing up .
18 Last month we phoned Lydia and were shocked to hear that the Appeal against the convictions of the prisoners had been postponed , condemning them to another nine months in prison — until May 1991 .
19 As a first experiment they improved the lighting for the test group and were pleased to find that productivity improved , but puzzled to find that productivity also improved in the control group .
20 We had gone to Uncle Charles for Christmas lunch and were sad to find that Aunt Edie Mann did not appear .
21 The next morning , realizing and regretting what they 'd done , they went back to the pub and were relieved to discover that the publican had n't cashed their cheque .
22 The most active of these well-disciplined " rebels " occupied an office in the Air Ministry and were all agreed that the basic cause of our dismal failure to date was navigation , Disregarding the gallantry and the will to " press-on " , if — in the face of all the efforts of the enemy , his flak defences , searchlights , decoy targets and , most lethal , ever-increasing " fighter boxes " of the Kammhuber Line — we simply could not find and destroy targets , the task was virtually impossible in the face of such odds .
23 More especially , I wondered at their risk when I learnt that some of them had landed across the Channel and were astonished to find that the natives did not speak English .
24 Incidentally , Bob and I have been involved in some hospital visiting lately , and were surprised to find that more than half the patients in the ward had been taken ill on holiday , and consequently felt doubly cut off .
25 They investigated the rate of autoshaped pecking controlled by the first of two keylights presented serially and were able to show that the rate was elevated when the first element was an inaccurate predictor of its consequences .
26 To further characterise the relevance of glycosylation of integrins for their function as cell adhesion receptors we performed initial experiments to analyse the integrin mediated cell matrix interation in HT-29 cells , and were able to show that inhibition of golgi mannosidase I by DMJ resulted in a significantly decreased adhesion of DMJ treated HT-29 cells to laminin , type IV collagen , and fibronectin .
27 Quinton and Rutter ( 1976 ) replicated this finding , and were able to show that disorder resulting from hospital admission was not explicable in terms of other medical factors such as persisting disability or low birth weight .
28 However , relatively speaking , Reagan and his staff , in the first year of his presidency , were brilliantly successful in maintaining control over the budgetary process and were able to ensure that the budget that eventually emerged was reasonably close to their original blueprint . ’
29 However we were called in and were able to advise that the building could be saved .
30 So we got ourselves an Ordnance Survey map for the year of my birth and were able to prove that houses had indeed existed there , ’ he said .
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