Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Disputes relating to rights and obligations centre upon interpreting the status quo , while third parties ' claims may rest upon interests or needs that have emerged or been articulated at some subsequent time .
2 What I was trying to say my Lord was that I did n't know was associated or was associated at that time .
3 Crash site is on mudflats that are exposed at low tide some 150 yards seaward of The Old Neptune public house , Whitstable , North Kent , and part of the aircraft 's bomb load was destroyed by an Ordnance Disposal team in November 1991 .
4 Well urgent tasks would be tasks that are done at that time , to complete them .
5 Parked outside the Polytechnic there were two small taxi-vans that are hired at ten copecks per kilometre .
6 From these spectra , astronomers will be able to measure the conditions in gas clouds that are obscured at optical wavelengths by the ubiquitous dust — for example in regions where stars form , and at the centre of our Galaxy .
7 The rule 's important , but it should come from a need of the child rather than be imposed at some arbitrary time when the teacher thinks that all the children are ready for that rule .
8 As far as the police part of the Bill is concerned , the er Government er under considerable pressure from erm er er members on their own side er as well as from these benches , have made the er very welcome concession that the chairman of a police authority shall no longer be appointed er by the Secretary of State , by the Home Secretary , but elected from among the members of the police authority er they have also made provision that the er er er i in response to the er criticisms that were made at second reading that the size of the p of a police authority shall no longer be limited to er sixteen members but could er by er order of the Secretary of State be extended to er twenty er er er twenty-four members .
9 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
10 If you decided that you 're really only interested in long priced horses because you wanted win a large sum of money , so you only started looking at horses that were offered at fifty to one or longer odds than that , then if you look at the statistics then you 'll find that the rate of return on such bets is even lower than the rate of return that we 've quoted on football pools , but on the other hand if you look at horses which are offered , say , at odds-on or at very low odds , evens , two to one and things like that , then the rate of return is pretty close to a hundred per cent of your money .
11 The House will recall that in the latter part of last year both my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State outlined measures to be taken by both the Government and mortgage lenders with the excellent aim of reducing the level of repossessions that were occurring at that time .
12 These arguments are subject to the same criticisms , regarding ethnocentrism and academic-centredness that were levelled at these writers , both in terms of their assumptions regarding literacy and those regarding ‘ objectivity ’ .
13 The various trade and commercial directories that were published at regular intervals during the nineteenth century are a particularly useful source for the study of old market towns .
14 It is with sincere people such as these in mind that this leaflet has been written — not to ride roughshod over a sincerely held belief but rather to confirm the absolute necessity of finding Purgatory , but not a Purgatory that is arrived at after death which is the popular view , but rather a Purgatory that is found before death which is the proper view according to God 's guide , the Holy Bible .
15 For a large proportion of our members the activities of both County and National are completely irrelevant and all that matters is how good is the programme that is provided at local level .
16 Often , it is not brand new R&D that is needed at all , but rather the application of existing knowledge to a wide range of problems and processes within manufacturing industry .
17 There are palpable differences between the quality of service that is offered at individual hospitals .
18 Whatever the form of the link that is chosen at Labour Party Conference , that ought to be top of our agenda .
19 However , the assignment of confidence ratings to the output of each analyser remains a highly contentious issue , and one that is discussed at greater length in Chapter Seven .
20 She 's of the dictionary project that 's looking at transcribed spoken language .
21 But I think there 's something more important than funding that was realised at that Conference between Eastern and Western Local Authorities and that is that we need to be there to assist because we can assist .
22 Er the reason for the book that was written at that particular time was that that i you 've got ta remember it was , what was it ?
23 I see a set of conclusions that achieve almost everything that was demanded at that time and I am grateful to everybody concerned who 's actually sat down and actually really thought about what we 're trying to do and everybody has made some compromise here and I shall certainly support this amendment and I shall make the compromise because the one thing in here that I thought was necessary that is n't there is the statement that there will be a head of centre and having actually worked in a project , head of sorry , head of project and having actually worked in a situation where I was a joint manager erm in the long run I think people will see the the wisdom of of a single head of project .
24 Its eponym , the harpist Ludovico , is believed to have produces falsas ( chromatic ‘ wrong notes ’ ) by pressing a finger against a string to shorten its sounding length — King uses instead a type of double harp that was known at that time — and this device is still used by folk harpists in South America .
25 Suddenly the section of the audience that was laughing at Italian children flinging spaghetti realised that everyone else had fallen silent .
26 The record goes on to show that it was not only the handing over of the Yugoslavs that was discussed at these conferences .
27 And since , above all , in my view , Rococo has all the characteristics of a fashion , it is evident that this bias did not affect everything that was produced at this period .
28 For example , in the various stages of pre-trial procedure the party who is ultimately successful may have caused undue delay or not followed the proper procedure and been penalised at that time by the award of costs against him or her in respect of a particular hearing .
29 Basic magmas , however , which are predominantly of basaltic composition , have a much lower silica content and are erupted at high temperatures .
30 These people prepare diagrams , drawings and plans of a technical nature and are employed at two levels , design and detail .
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