Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] we [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , they argue that if we persist with the established electoral system then we will continue with the problems of government which they identify .
2 ‘ I believe that if we deal with both of these subjects in one such conference we risk overloading the boat . ’
3 So that if we deal with it er er in a way that we can find a professionally acceptable
4 Each step of 1:50,000 is a rise of approximately 2.5C so that considering we started with a 3C a LM 1 is just over 5C , LM 6 = 17C , LM 12 = 31C , LM 30 = 73C ( all approximate figures ) .
5 I think we should be saying , that whilst we agree with the site in outline , we are completely against the proposed usage of that site .
6 One major consideration with this type of communication is that when we disagree with something that is being communicated , we do not abruptly pull away or jump .
7 If all this had to be summed up in one sentence I suppose it would have to be that Wittgenstein 's treatment of the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem is an extended illustration of a point in philosophical logic : namely , that the meaningfulness of some of the things we say is dependent on contingent facts of nature — such as that the Earth revolves on its axis , and that we moan with pain and react as we do to others who moan .
8 It may be that we secretly admire those who attempt to ‘ beat the system ’ , and that we sympathise with the underdog .
9 In the same way it is essential that we await the results of that questionnaire and that we discuss with the District Council the long term redevelopment of that airfield and so I think it would be more helpful in expressing our concern of course about the decision and version of it which I will admit came as a shock because my understanding was they would be there for two , three , or four years yet .
10 For example , suppose we find unc Then we may set up the regression formula unc and if we begin with
11 And since we started with a world champion Nigel Mansell … let's finish with another one …
12 We 've got a fight on our hands , and whether we agree with Oscar 's methods or not — and just for the record , I do n't — surely none of us can doubt his integrity . ’
13 And you know , for most of our questions the answers lie within ourselves , and when we deal with certain basic issues most of those questions become or answered or they become irrelevant .
14 We do n't want to make enemies , but if we meet with any kind of interference —
15 But if we begin with the assumption , say , that there is at least one star in the heavens that never has been , or ever will be , discovered or talked about , then evidently no meaningful let alone true singular proposition can be produced in support of such an assumption , for no such object can be named .
16 But if we fail with that argument , I 'll be over in Europe trying to get tariffs on all European vehicles brought over here , because I believe in reciprocity just like the EC believes in it .
17 What help us , we we 'll go to we 'll direct the questions to different people erm and if you agree , just say you agree so that we do n't have er erm a session of people just rec reciting what everybody else has said , but if we start with you erm Jim , sorry I ca n't see the
18 We have arrived at chapter 22 , but before we deal with it in detail , we must look quickly at another story that lies between Isaac 's birth and his coming so soon and so close to death .
19 Because if we continue with the housing stock that we 've got , then families living in high rise flats are never ever gon na have the opportunity to own their own house with a garden so the children can play .
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