Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It can be a problem if , for example , the groom speaks no English : either he , or the bride and her family , may feel he ought to have the opportunity to speak at his own wedding , or that he has a duty to honour his hosts by thanking them publicly .
2 The plaintiff must go further and show that the doctor is not suitably qualified or that the examination is not necessary or that he has a reasonable apprehension about the particular doctor which , if realised , might make a fair trial more difficult than if another doctor were to examine him .
3 The prudent pilot , for example , allows plugs to soldier on unchecked at his or her peril , or until he experiences the awesome silence caused by a whisker of oil .
4 But if anybody crossed him , or if he thought the embassy establishment was trying to put him down , he 'd stand on his desk and raise hell .
5 If a defendant is a minor , a summons must be served ( if he is not also a mental patient ) on a parent or guardian , or if he has no parent or guardian , then on the person with whom he resides or in whose care he is ( Ord 10 , r 4 ) .
6 The Panel will not regard an adviser as independent if he is in the same group as the financial adviser to an offeror , or if he has a significant interest in or financial connection with either an offeror or the target company of such a kind as to create a conflict of interest ( Rule 3.3 ) .
7 he goes if he comes he goes or if he brings a load of friends
8 The manufacturer might easily founder for want of capital to finance expansion , or because he misinterprets the requirements of the market : And without the producer , there would be no service industry jobs .
9 For example , a sum should be allowed if he had a company car , or because he had a cheap mortgage , or because he had received free accommodation ( on account of his employment ) .
10 Languages can be learned because the student has a specific purpose for his own development ( such as improving his career prospects ) , or because he has an interest in the culture or the language itself .
11 It did n't seem to her that Timothy Gedge was trying to make a joke , yet it was amazing that he was saying all this just to pay them back for not being friendly or because he wanted a wedding-dress they would n't give him , or for any reason at all .
12 Burton put himself on trial , later on public trial , either because he was driven to it by a daemon he could not command or because he willed the daemon to come out and fight .
13 The Court of Appeal held that whether the officer had taken possession was a question for the jury , and that the answer depended on whether he had made his mind up to take possession so that they would not be removed , or whether he had an open mind and merely wanted to stop the driver getting away without being questioned .
14 Nothing is known about Purney 's early education except that he spent a year at Merchant Taylors ' School .
15 He would have liked to say I 'd rather you stayed , except that he had no real reason , or no reason he could give her easily .
16 I remember little about him except that he had a black beard flecked with grey , and gave me oranges .
17 Anyone could tell they were brother and sister they were so much alike , except that he had a little goatee beard on his chin .
18 In a letter dated 26 August 1988 the inspector stated that although he had no specific evidence against Mr Kempton or the company , it would be necessary to examine their tax affairs .
19 Deputy manager of communication services at the Hotel , Catering & Institutional Management Association , Tim Knowles , said that although he welcomed the directive , it still needed a lot of work in its present form .
20 Also Leslie Silver said in the paper that although he wanted the national team to do well he thought that Leeds winning the title was far more important and that he would fight ‘ tooth and nail to keep Howard Wilkinson at Leeds ’
21 Does the Secretary of State recall that although he gave an account of meetings with the Japanese , the question asked specifically what representations he had received from business men ?
22 So many allegations of political interference did those restructuring plans prompt that the then Arts Minister , Richard Luce , felt it necessary to reassure the Commons ( 27 February , 1989 ) that although he supported the aims of the proposed restructuring , he believed responsibility for management of National Museums should be delegated to chairmen and directors .
23 Perhaps this meant no more than that he believed the propaganda , the lies and the flatter of those who surrounded him ; still , his belief had been complete .
24 At the utmost , the allegation that he relied on the testator 's promise seems to me to import no more than that he believed the testator would be as good as his word .
25 As he has said ‘ the man who throws a race is a crook for life ’ , it is fair to guess that Melges ' ’ day off ’ was for no other reason than that he wanted no part of any manipulation of points .
26 He badly wants to play , and believes that once he has a League match with Lazio under his belt he will be ready to give his heart to England .
27 Like many sexually naïve people , Lewis supposed that if he eliminated the consciously erotic elements of his sexuality from the surface of life , he would be able to dispel the habits and characteristics of which these particular tastes were a mere symptom .
28 Carter , accordingly , seemed to believe that if he studied the energy problem in sufficient detail and drew on the views of the appropriate experts his administration could develop an adequate policy .
29 The manager ca n't justifiably desert either of his regulars at the moment but knows that if he walked the street and canvassed the fans there would be only one answer : bring on the Frenchman !
30 THE screen persona of Lee Van Cleef suggested that if he met a rattler , the snake would come off worse .
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