Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] he begin [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The need for a German theatre , as part of a wider literary and philosophical programme for Germany , arises at the point where Herder sets out to emphasize the Englishness of Shakespeare and the French character of the court of Louis XIV and its drama , and where he begins to point to the absence of a comparable phenomenon in the " Germany " — that is , the conglomeration of German principalities and duchies — of his own day .
2 He began his bookselling activities in about 1770 from his father 's shop , but had moved to 13 Aldgate High Street by the end of 1773 ; it was at this time that his first publications came out , among them the Ladies ' Museum ( 1773–1814 ) , and that he began to explore the possibilities of circulating libraries .
3 And when he began to have the confidence to talk to us , he would have long discussions with people about films which he had never actually seen , but which he could pretend to have seen , since he made a point of reading all the reviews of the new films and musicals when he found out that that was what people liked to talk about on first meetings .
4 Alarm rose in response to the dark , angry glitter her defiant claim brought to his eyes , and as he began to move towards her , Maria also moved , whirling past him as he came round the desk .
5 In spite of Amritsar , he announced himself willing to co-operate with the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms which were unveiled at the end of the year , and only changed his mind as the degree of Dyer 's support in British public opinion was borne in upon him , and as he began to find himself isolated by the more radical elements in Congress , who had either already lost their faith in the British , or had never had any .
6 his head was pounding and he vaguely wondered what time it was and as he began to unlock the door he wondered what had brought Patrick back .
7 I felt very down , but once he began to need my milk it seemed worthwhile and I gradually began to produce a little more at each pumping .
8 I started a stage snore and I thought that together we must drown any other noise he could make , but when he began to use his saw it seemed to be the only noise in the carriage .
9 In his Sacrae cantiones of 1573 Joachim a Burck ( 1646–1610 ) had employed chromaticism and the other devices of musica reservata to underline the sense of the Biblical texts , but when he began to set the very personal religious verse of Ludwig Helmbold — Latin odes and German Liedlein — the relationship between text and music became much closer , even madrigalian , and he himself claimed he had provided the 40 deutsche christl .
10 Not only did he find this crude form of seal unsuitable for his normal still wines , but when he began to produce sparkling wines the total inadequacy of wooden pegs for imprisoning the carbonic gas was such that he set out to discover a more efficient seal .
11 Volunteer Eileen said : ‘ For half a second I thought it was a hoax but as he began to name the four streets I took him seriously . ’
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