Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , it does not apply where the evidence establishes the existence of a collateral contract ; where it can be shown that the document was not intended as a complete record of the contract terms ; where its existence or operation was dependent upon some prior unexpected stipulation ; or where it was procured by some illegality or misrepresentation .
2 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
3 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
4 They denied that TM was addictive or produced ‘ spiritual trips ’ , or that it was viewed as a way of saving themselves by their own efforts .
5 A novelist can be even more helpful by saying that the phrase in question was spoken waggishly , or grimly , or that it was snapped out as the character turned angrily on his heel .
6 I can hardly suppose that she sat for you or that it was commissioned . ‘
7 They were going out into the world though none of them knew quite where until it was announced in public at their Commissioning Service it , the Albert Hall .
8 The status was intended to be enduring until its objectives were achieved , or until it was changed in accordance with the Mandate agreement .
9 Even such a perfect match would count for little if the fish had to wave its fins in order to maintain its position in the water , or if it were to move independently from the weed .
10 From the start the new feature film had been saddled with outside obligations ; it had to preach or at least uplift , or if it were borrowing from literature it had to satisfy so many knowledgeable readers .
11 It would be a pity if talk of road pricing were to divert attention from commonsense action needed now , or if it were seen as a substitute for a properly funded roads programme .
12 On the other hand , if it is a galactic pulsar or if it were formed by accretion-induced collapse , it may be young and the large magnetic field would not be as surprising .
13 Mr Sedley said the court would have to decide if the damage to property under the Act included contamination by nuclear matter or waste or if it was limited to ‘ injury ’ to the fabric .
14 Some collectors used to visit the museum weekly to check up on how the art they lent was being shown , or if it was shown at all ’ , says one long-time curator .
15 This meant that it could not be used if it was the result of a ‘ fear of prejudice or hope of advantage , exercised or held out by a person in authority ’ or if it was occasioned by ‘ oppression ’ .
16 The time ranged from half an hour a day to 13 hours a day , depending on whether devolution was viewed as a separate activity concerned only with finance or whether it was seen as being curriculum driven and/or inseparable from all the activities performed by a head in a working day .
17 In a static , unchanging universe , the question of whether it has existed forever or whether it was created at a finite time in the past is really a matter for metaphysics or religion : Either theory could account for such a universe .
18 Where Chartier went further was in asking whether nobility was something which came to a man by virtue of his birth ( and could therefore be inherited ) or whether it was accorded in recognition of merit ?
19 This is a separate argument from whether you actually made the statement or not , or whether it was bullied out of you like in the case .
20 Another lovely walk that the family occasionally took was to West Harnham or as it was known locally ‘ Watery Harnham ’ , a fitting nickname for there was always plenty in the rivers , streams and water meadows .
21 This procedure was followed when a minor inheriting property claimed to have become of age , or when it was thought necessary to determine legally that someone had attained the age when he or she was allowed to marry .
22 This would appear to reflect the fact that what was learned , and from whom it was learned , was considerably more important than where it was learned .
23 They also held that where it was observed it was unduly restrictive .
24 No proof is available that the incident was designed to produce such a backlash nor that it was masterminded by an element within the government 's undercover set-up .
25 Indeed he was probably uncertain himself as to what the end-point would be , except that it was bound to be a less rigid and less bipolar system than the old one ; and he assumed that a more flexible multipolar system would not only be more advantageous to France but would be safer and more equitable for all states .
26 Except that it was made back-to-back with a third episode , and there is an extraordinary air of expediency about it .
27 Almost every interview ended with ‘ I do n't remember much except that it was snowing … ’ or words to that effect .
28 We know nothing of his campaign , except that it was limited to a single season and that the Silures did not appear again as a fighting force .
29 In the move to the middle ground of politics , it risked becoming indistinguishable from its rivals , except that it was tarnished with holding office for so long .
30 Mr. Collins said that once it was accepted that Lautro operated in the public domain in the public interest , then certain consequences had also to be accepted .
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