Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Or as it said on my school report for P E er tries hard but lacks stamina .
2 remember ours , it would not be flat smells of cat but not only that if it weed on me carpet as much as I love it I might get a
3 The Modern Picture World reported that this ‘ daring ’ film was doing well at the De Kalb theatre in Brooklyn and that when it opened on Broadway the ‘ socialist ’ Upton Sinclair would be present at each performance .
4 Also , in this situation , the elevator control behaves more like it does on a fixed-wing model rather than as it does on a hovering helicopter .
5 His mother felt helpless about the problem and that it reflected on her capability as a mother .
6 My right hon. and learned Friend will understand that the west midlands conurbation , lying as it does in a landlocked area , is responsible for the bulk of the country 's manufacturing industry , and that it depends on adequate and improving road conditions .
7 More important was that German and Italian aid tended to arrive on request , and especially when most needed following Nationalist setbacks or preceding major pushes ; that it was channelled through Franco as Nationalist leader and not , as with Soviet aid to the Republic , through a political faction ; and that it came on easy credit terms with no political strings attached .
8 The theory of the new international division of labour has been criticized for its uncompromising condemnation of TNC operations in the Third World , on the grounds that there is not very much that is new about it and that it relies on an empirical base that is far too limited ( see , for example , Cohen , 1987 , ch.7 ; Jenkins , 1984 ; Gordon , 1988 ) .
9 Sadly Mr 's proposal fell on a technicality , but I think he put his finger on something which I felt the assembly was , was responding to , that we are not finished with this issue and although it fell on a technicality about money , perhaps without making any addendums and motions we might er refuse this addendum and keep our minds on the baptism issue and hope that the Board of Practice and Procedure and the panel on doctrine will pick up the substance and the , the essence of what Mr was asking for and pursue this matter until as a church we can get it sorted out to the satisfaction of all the groups within the church .
10 The first person has to start skipping in the middle and everybody says H P W R and if it landed on P the next person would have to skip fast .
11 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
12 Then H P W R and if it lands on P you have to go really fast .
13 Yes , but you , this one you 've got some little bits that you spin it round and if it lands on a colour you , it tells you what you 've got to , then you 've got to put
14 It worked on mice and if it works on humans it will be just what we 've been waiting for .
15 Cos cos it depends on the money .
16 The centre piece of the act is the onymous toad , unique among the frogs and toads because it has lost the horny pads ( the so-called nuptial pads ) that grow on the male 's hands during the breeding season and because it mates on dry land rather than in water .
17 This approach places a heavy emphasis on the institutions of the state alone ; it describes institutions and institutional relationships in suffocating detail ; and because it focuses on constitutional " law " quite uncritically it tends to see the connections between state and society formally , simply , and legalistically in a way that ignores informal patterns of power in society and economy .
18 Motivation research is one of the newer aspects of marketing research , and since it concentrates on motives and attitudes , it relies heavily on the expertise of psychologists for the design of and interpretation of its surveys .
19 Nevertheless it remains to be varified whether villus height is relevant to the previous dietary history — that is , nitrogen supply quality — and whether it depends on body weight at the time it is measured .
20 We led by two shots going into the last round , and when it blew on the last day , I did n't think anybody could beat Trevino .
21 And everybody was getting a bit bored with it cos as it dragged on this is s seven months when you know a long time to be I never thought it would have gone this as long as that when we started off with it .
22 The aim of achieving a genuine common market was a major commitment and though it relied on the voluntary co-operation of member states , complex legislative measures were soon underway to carry it out .
23 But once it catches on it gets dissipated , and people start thinking ‘ in order to be angry , you have to be a child ’ .
24 If it need it to share the cost of the new one but once it goes on the
25 But if it remains on the teeth , it begins to damage the gums and causes gingivitis .
26 I 'll bring one in on Tuesday , in case , but if it comes on on the weekend I 'm gon na tape it .
27 ‘ Under the circumstances , ’ PW says , ‘ without such essential evidence and insofar as it bears on the activities of Price Waterhouse UK in the matter , the findings of the Kerry report appear to be a hotch potch of hearsay , conjecture and unsubstantiated assertion . ’
28 Er if but if you want to do something like that , to organise something , because if it goes on A five
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