Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] i [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or that I 've got a vagina .
2 Of course she knew that Silas had inherited this property , but what she had n't realised was that I have the right to live in the house for my lifetime , or until I happen to marry again .
3 It 's useful if people feel ill during services or if I want to rest before midnight Mass .
4 If their full bellies make me fail to recognise my communality with a woman of colour whose children who do not eat , because she ca n't find work ; or a woman who has no children because her insides are rotten from home abortions and sterilisation ; or if I fail to recognise the lesbian who chooses not to have children , or the woman who remains closeted because her homophobic community is her only life support ; the woman who chooses silence instead of another death ; the woman who is terrified lest any anger triggers the explosion of hers ; if I fail to recognise these women as other faces of myself , then I am contributing to each of their oppressions , but also to my own .
5 Firstly , an emotion may be expressed involuntarily or voluntarily ; if I say something in a ‘ happy ’ way , this may be because I feel happy , or because I want to convey to you the impression that I am happy .
6 Would you like to , to explain what from strength to strength means or whether I 've got my figures wrong erm a and , and perhaps give an idea of what from strength to strength will mean in coming years ?
7 ‘ I like the freedom of being able to decide , tonight for example , whether I want to stay in the flat or whether I want to go down to Gloucestershire .
8 Drawing in charcoal is more like painting where as I like to encourage precise , analytical draughtsmanship which is best executed in pencil . ’
9 Now can you write out either now or just before I or when I 've gone what you 're going to do
10 I often go there when I 'm unhappy , or when I want to think .
11 ‘ But I do listen to it when I ‘ m in the mood , or when I want to wind down . ’
12 And you sign them up or when I say sign them up they 're er an account is opened
13 When , towards the end , he said , ‘ I am convinced that where I have failed no one could have succeeded , ’ this appeared not a boast , but an understatement .
14 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
15 Much later it struck me as odd that I experienced no superstitious fear or repugnance in the presence of a dead body , although I am so squeamish that more than once I have had to ask a neighbour to deal with a dead rabbit that one of the cats had brought in during the night .
16 Nor that I will to borrow his messenger without his knowledge .
17 Or ‘ I had a binge last night and I 've no excuse , except that I 've got a terrible hangover this morning and I 'll try again tomorrow . ’
18 Due to the publication schedule of ‘ Contact ’ I am actually writing this before the AGM , so I ca n't say anything more about it except that I intend to resign at it , due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area , so this will be the last time you will hear about London Branch from me .
19 Except that I seem to remember you telling me that you and Arnie do n't like to live in each other 's pockets .
20 Except that I have lost one of my shoes .
21 There is no reason why this track should be any worse than the " effort " track except that I have chosen to block off the easy track and so turn it into a dead end .
22 You are hurt , I know , and unable to believe in any man 's decency , but try to believe that whatever happened to you I still love you ; you have not changed for me , it makes no difference , no difference whatsoever — except that I want to kill the man who hurt you . ’
23 " I really have n't any particular interest in the sale , except that I want to do the best that I can for this retired artist , Sam Mills , " he said .
24 I think regarding the number of people who are in prison , whether on remand or otherwise , erm , reminds me of something that that I keep noticing , either hear it on the radio or in the paper .
25 I 'll be fine once once I 've had another five minutes .
26 Well , did you did they tell you a little more than that I mean did they tell you that er Mr played cricket with him or something like that or or what ?
27 Other than that I wish to make no claims upon you . ’
28 Other than that I 've got nothing to do .
29 Other than that I do disagree with what Juliette was saying .
30 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
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