Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] they [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Kingfisher offer document , says Dixons , has not disclosed the extent of property disposal profits , or where they have been taken .
2 Where where they 've been bombing it
3 James had stayed behind and Lewis had been sullen for the half-hour or so they 'd been walking before suddenly announcing he wanted to be alone .
4 The companies successfully argued that many elements of the Macintosh screen , which uses movable symbols rather than typed commands , were not original or that they had been invented by Xerox Corporation or International Business Machines .
5 ‘ If the prints were undated or if they had been given younger dates most experts would probably accept them as have made by Homo , ’ said Russell Tuttle from the University of Chicago who has recently analysed casts of the footprints at the invitation of Mary Leakey .
6 I can not imagine why yours have started so quickly , unless they are older than they look — they may have been kept in conditions where they have not grown on , due to overcrowding , or because they have been left with their parents for too long .
7 Some of the entries in the archive are marked as being obsolete , either because they represent Supplement entries which have been incorporated into earlier OED entries , or because they have been discarded by lexicographers and are not to be included in the New OED .
8 The referendum or plebiscite is a device viewed with suspicion in some quarters , largely because they have often been used to ratify or endorse decisions already taken or policies already embarked on , as was the case with Britain 's entry into the EEC , or because they have been staged , and the issue presented , in such a way as to produce the outcome wanted by the government which initiates them .
9 ‘ We do n't know where the men had been or where they were going or whether they had been drinking or not .
10 Where after they 've been born , they might have had delayed breathing , not breathed immediately , so that type of baby might be at risk .
11 And judging ads , or deciding which are the good ones , either before or after they have been run , is the subject of the next chapter .
12 Basically , you can assess ads at two stages : before or after they have been run in the media — ( 'pre-testing' and ‘ post-testing ’ are the trade terms ) .
13 The time they shared became special now , where before they had been free and easy .
14 Foreign scholars as well as foreign diplomats found to their surprise that where they had been led to expect barbarity , they found civilization and love of learning ; for Giovanni Ferreri , who settled in the abbey of Kinloss , close to the university of Aberdeen , Girolamo Aleandro , teacher of Greek and Hebrew at Paris , and Girolamo Cardano , physician of Milan , Scottish scholars were welcome members of the academic community of Europe .
15 2 No forms , or tear off slips , originating from the other party should be returned — except where they have been read and a conscious decision is taken to accept any relevant terms .
16 The majority of doctors are simply not aware of the dangers attached to Depo-Provera and other injectable contraceptives , nor that they have been prohibited in other countries .
17 The Government said then that although they have been told that they are in the wrong , they will do nothing about it .
18 Erm do you have cases where the where the girls or same faces keep popping up or do you do you feel that once they 've been pulled in they it puts them off ?
19 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
20 Many of the Act 's provisions , at the time of writing , are only beginning to be put into operation , but it is clear that once they have been fully implemented they will completely transform the educational system in Britain .
21 He and his friends would have seen that if they 'd been allowed to talk for a bit .
22 They may feel responsible for adding to the dead person 's problems or may feel that if they had been more alert they would have noticed their friend 's or relative 's distress .
23 On the eve of their presentation to the Women 's International Professional Council , a group of British tennis writers , plus two from France , were summoned to hear Gerry Smith suggest that all they really wanted to do was to give the women players the same sort of voice in the game as the men ; that they had no intention of tearing the women 's game apart and that if they had been able to carry on negotiations quietly and in confidence , there would have been no problems .
24 The description of the facts is somewhat exiguous and I can not help feeling that if they had been fully stated the case would fall to be treated as involving a demand colore officii rather than as supporting the Woolwich principle .
25 I actually said that there were relatively few anomalies and that if they had been addressed the tax would have found favour .
26 Their case is that if they had been properly and correctly advised as they were entitled to be under the contract , they would not have proceeded to exchange or to completion .
27 Good d Good does in fact do what you said and his recommendation er for final salary schemes is er a third of the trustees should be or have the right to be er from the , the members and er er we 've in our er comments to you have er looked at a global point of view and said no not are these proposals worthy in themselves , but using a different criteria that if they had been law as Ken said earlier , would they have stopped Maxwell and a situation where a third of the trustees were er were they members er would have made no difference er cos typically in our cases there were originally about four trustees er and unfortunately for us , three of them were named Maxwell .
28 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
29 I ran to your reviews as if they were my own and felt more dismay and indignation than if they had been .
30 Into the Home territory beyond they had to go fairly warily , but less so than if they had been a weaker company , not because of fears that the Homes would betray them to Dunbar but in that they were always jealous of their declared rights to decide who should enter their country and what they should pay for the privilege ; but two hundred and fifty well-armed men in tight formation carried their own safe-conduct , and they rode through without challenge .
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