Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] he [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As a member of that Council I emphatically deny that he has had any mandate , or that he is justified in assuming that the Council as a whole takes his view .
2 Or that he is betrayed ?
3 Or until he is finished .
4 Anyone in possession of material inside information must either disclose it to the investing public or if he is disabled from disclosing it in order to protect a corporate confidence , or he chooses not to do so , must abstain from trading in or recommending the securities concerned while such inside information remains undisclosed .
5 This is not only likely to be painful for him , but it undermines his stability , so that he can only walk slowly , with constant concentration , and he is much more likely to fall over if he has to change direction or if he is distracted .
6 When such an accident occurs the pilot , or if he is incapacitated the owner or operator of the aircraft , is required to notify the Chief Inspector of Accidents .
7 The operator may deviate from the listed procedure because it may require excessive moving about or because he is interrupted by the requirements of other tasks .
8 Using such a bureau as a back-up to your in-house facility is obviously a possibility — except that he 's bound to be busy when you need him !
9 BAKER SAYS that although he 's done all sorts of jobs since — mostly on telly — he 's never ‘ had a time ’ like he did at the NME .
10 He and Peter have always been good friends and David is the type of lad that once he 's made friends with someone , he has made it for life , ’ says Brian Gedge .
11 Greg Norman : " I do n't have any negative sense of him , but I have noticed that once he 's done with a press conference , he 's off .
12 The latter may , for instance , feel that if he is regarded as competent to take on the task by himself he ought to be in charge of his own department and that the manager is intentionally blocking his promotion .
13 ‘ ( 1 ) Subject to the following provisions of this section , a child who is being looked after by a local authority may not be placed , and , if placed , may not be kept , in accommodation provided for the purpose of restricting liberty ( ‘ secure accommodation ’ ) unless it appears — ( a ) that — ( i ) he has a history of absconding and is likely to abscond from any other description of accommodation ; and ( ii ) if he absconds , he is likely to suffer significant harm ; or ( b ) that if he is kept in any other description of accommodation he is likely to injure himself or other persons .
14 Everyone who sets out to attack a pensioner should know that if he is caught , he will go to prison for a long time .
15 King Idomeneus of Crete , caught in a storm at sea on his way home , vows to Neptune that if he is spared he will sacrifice to the gods the first person he meets on landing — which turns out to be , of course , his own son , Idamantes .
16 growth is not shared by all commentators and that if he is proved wrong these figures will be shot to pieces ?
17 Again at Easter he is arguing over his fee for attending the Archbishop at Canterbury and threatens that unless he is payed the sum of twenty shillings a day for three days he would never again obey the Archbishop 's mandate .
18 There are now fears that unless he is persuaded to surrender with guarantees of safe conduct , Gen Noriega could organise a prolonged resistance , and seek assistance from Nicaragua and Cuba .
19 And then you called and he enjoyed your visit vastly and Mrs Langley says that while he is laid up , with the girls hunting two days a week , would you be sure to go and see him — ’
20 Wesley will be telling England rugby star Will Carling today that after he 's done his PhD he 's going to be a top consultant on ecological waste disposal .
21 At nineteen , he thinks that after he 's finished his legal studies he 'll go off and become a Turk in Turkey , or a muleteer in Spain , or a cameleer in Egypt .
22 His body still convulsing , he fumbles to untie his turban and release the long twisted tuft of hair , the dhāmi 's insignia , that 's always covered from sight except when he 's possessed — when he becomes the god .
23 ‘ These two cases , then , make it perfectly clear that when he is sued , as in the present case , on the covenants contained in the original lease , the original tenant 's only possible defences are either : ( 1 ) that he has performed the covenants ; or ( 2 ) that the relevant assignee has performed the covenants ; or ( 3 ) there has been some other operation conducted upon the lease — for example surrender of the whole — which has put a complete end to the liability to pay rent .
24 As indicated above , the notion of a de facto authority depends on that of a legitimate authority since it implies not only actual power over people but , in the normal case , both that the person exercising that power claims to have legitimate authority and that he is acknowledged to have it by some people .
25 Will my right hon. Friend tell me how best to reply to a constituent of mine who has recently completed a course of treatment at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and who tells me that the nurses and doctors were fantastic , that the treatment was magnificent and that he is fed up to the back teeth with the constant efforts of the Labour party to undermine and talk down the achievements of the health service ?
26 He wears white for the same reason that he never drinks raksi , and that he 's eaten no food since morning .
27 I 've been told he left the accountancy firm where he worked , and that he 's joined his uncle , Matthew Wilder , who owns a back-country property between Napier and Taupo .
28 Secondly , the court may order him to forfeit his office if he is convicted for corruption under the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 , and if he is convicted a second time under that Act he may be adjudged incapable for ever of holding a public office .
29 Where the person under disability is a defendant or respondent , and a person proposes to act as " guardian ad litem " , he should deliver to the court office a defence , answer , counterclaim or admission , and if he is appointed to act by order of the Court of Protection , a sealed copy of the order .
30 This time it looks serious and if he is forced to resign then my own position could be in jeopardy .
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