Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] he [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She loved Piers , and it just was n't good enough to be told that he needed her or that he wanted her .
2 I was n't sure whether he wanted to meet God or if he thought he was God .
3 Richmann never noticed the sudden widening of Benny 's eyes , or if he did he must have assumed it was fear at her imminent death .
4 Fred did n't appear to hear the horror in her voice , or if he did he managed to ignore it .
5 While he was painting , Modigliani barely looked at his model , ‘ or if he did it was merely to check against his portrait .
6 He would n't have described himself as landed gentry — or if he did it would be with irony .
7 He was reaching the point where he might be tempted to hurt the boy out of frustration or because he thought he was being tricked in some way .
8 His prime minister , Mr Mitsotakis , did not stop him , either because he did not know what Mr Samaras was about to do or because he thought he could fudge the issue .
9 Either because he had the hump or because he thought it would make for a good show he started smashing the footlights one by one .
10 Was it because he had n't spotted it , or because he felt it would be dishonest to do so , or because he never expected criticism ?
11 His journey , John assumed , was either because of genuine business , or because he found it trying to wait in the capital .
12 I wonder whether he thought it was just the way the English talked , or whether he thought I was peculiar …
13 Whether he thought it would be more unnerving than a show of rage or whether he imagined he owed me civil consideration , I was uncertain .
14 I do n't know whether it was because he realised how hard it 'd be for us to get enough for both of us , or whether he knew he was off his head and needed someone around who was n't , y'know what I mean , to look after the kids and sort things out , like .
15 The same attitude is recognizable in the fragments of the histories of Posidonius , the pupil of Panaetius who , amidst all his philosophical work , decided to become the continuator of Polybius for the period after 146 B.C. It is uncertain whether Posidonius concluded his histories with the events of Sulla 's dictatorship or whether he extended them to include the Eastern wars of Pompey .
16 Oh yeah and this chap inherited the money off his mother and father and er , I do n't know whether he drunk it or whether he gambled it away , but he lost the business so that , and that was the beginning of the breaking up in my er opinion of the fleck shops like , you know .
17 Low rejected this , but agreed that a Yugoslav officer would be permitted " to visit all camps in which there were CROATS , or as he called them , Yugoslav Quislings " .
18 And finally , it brought on that rich cast of wooden-topped rustics , the Starkadders , with Aunt Ada Doom in the star part , not to speak of the simpleton whose main pleasure in life was doing the washing up , or as he called it , clettering the dishes with his liddle mop .
19 Or as he put it elsewhere : " the Deposing Doctrine , and placing the Power in the People , is but the Spittle of the Papists and Jesuits , which our Whigs and Dissenters have Lick't up " .
20 Going through Joe 's mind as he mounted the stairs were thoughts which were very similar , except that he expressed his in a slightly different way .
21 Except that he made it ‘ loo-oo-oo-ming ’ .
22 By degrees she , Dinah , had become little more than his reader , except that he gave her too many babies , no doubt absent-mindedly .
23 He had also developed such affection for his owner , and had become so possessive of her , that if he saw her stroking another horse , he would roar with rage and throw himself sideways against the nearest fence , cutting and scraping his skin so that it bled .
24 Something seemed to open or to expand in her brain , releasing a cold voice which she had never heard there before , telling her that if he cheated her she might just as well kill him .
25 He had a premonition that if he read it , he would find himself committed to an ever-widening circle of excommunications .
26 She hoped that if he said he had discovered she met Scott Fitzgerald she would be able to treat the suggestion with the seriousness Tim would think it deserved .
27 It was clear to him that if he said he could , his lordship would take him .
28 The thought occurred to me that if he had it would mean our staying on at Claro , and I did n't want to go home anyway .
29 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
30 It occurred to the owner of the light plane that if he followed it , his navigational problems would be solved .
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