Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where the demised property is unusual either in size or in character , or where it is so valuable that small points have large financial consequences , determination by arbitration may be the better method since there will be an opportunity for full argument .
2 It should also be emphasised at this point that references to the ‘ public interest ’ are not intended to imply that there is a consensus as about what constitutes the public good or that it is objectively determinable .
3 If there are difficulties in claiming that ahi sā is the right way in all circumstances and that the way of violence can never lead to Truth , there are similar difficulties in assuming that no violation of moral duty is involved in the practice of satyāgraha , or that it is only through the practice of satyāgraha that we show ourselves to be informed by the spirit of Truth and non-violence .
4 The tremendous variation in the experiences of First , Second and Third World countries in terms of income , population , foreign trade , resources , quality of life and blocs might lead the faint-hearted to conclude that the global system either does not exist or that it is so hopelessly complex that there is no point in trying to conceptualize it at all .
5 [ Furthermore ] no Englishman competent to judge doubts that our literature ranks among the two or three greatest in the world ; or that it is quite arguable that , if not perhaps the finest , it is the richest of all .
6 Nor again does this failure to achieve total abstinence mean that one is inevitably heading for relapse or that it is necessarily a significant factor in those who do relapse .
7 Thus , if we operate on traditional assumptions about the nature of law we are left with a political strategy in relation to international law which assumes either that law is effective ( by definition ) or that it is potentially effective ( so that while it may not deserve the name ‘ law ’ it is at least potentially deserving of that description ) .
8 If it is full of contradictions , or if it is too vague , this is very difficult .
9 Unfortunately this can occur either if the illumination is too dim or if it is too bright .
10 It is not clear if the Government 's tactics over the last few days are typical of the muddle that has beset it in recent months or if it is deliberately designed to throw its opponents into confusion .
11 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
12 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
13 Do you consider any of these to be culture specific : either because the genre does not exist in some cultures , or because it is substantially different ?
14 The North Sea is obviously so shaped that very strong northerly winds can cause a piling up of water in the southern part of the sea , either because the escape route through the Straits of Dover is narrow , or because it is quite possible for the winds in the North Sea to be predominantly northerly while the winds in the English Channel are predominantly westerly .
15 The first problem here is that the brevity of Scaevola 's response ( even by his standards three words is modest ) leaves it unclear whether he means that the debtors are not freed from any liability , or whether it is just that they are not freed from liabilities contracted after the first will was made .
16 Now I 'm not quite sure whether it 's because we 've known , like Naomi , we 've we know periods of barrenness and leanness that his blessing seems so much more , I do n't know if that 's what it is , or whether it is just because his blessings are so bountiful , but she is overwhelmed by God 's goodness and by God 's blessing to her they could now experience God 's blessing .
17 In chapter 9 , one of the issues which will be examined will be whether social policy measures can help to cope with unemployment or whether it is primarily an economic problem .
18 What remains uncertain is whether consciousness is a separate phenomenon which needs explaining , like language or vision , or whether it is simply an attribute of certain neural processes in the same way as high reflectance is an attribute of the piece of paper you are looking at while you read this , something which is simply part of the physical characteristics of the brain or the paper .
19 HOW Will I know whether I have been regressed or whether it is simply my imagination working overtime ?
20 Greg son ( 1987 : 5 ) asks ‘ whether locality can be approached as an object of study in its own right or whether it is simply another term for the case study method ? ’
21 We will discover whether there is a real commitment or whether it is simply words which they hope that the Scottish public will forget were ever uttered so that in the fullness of time they can shunt the companies off to the private sector to do with them as it will .
22 Some kind of realism is important whether the movie itself is ‘ realistic ’ in reflecting the real world more or less as we perceive it or believe that other people do , or whether it is clearly a fantasy of some kind , set in the future or the distant past or another galaxy or in a present where some of the rules have been changed or abolished , eg time travel is possible , robot androids pass for human , most of the population are zombies , animals speak English , people mix with cartoon characters , or what you will .
23 The disagreement arises over whether the mind is the product of molecules and electricity or whether it is altogether of a more subtle nature .
24 The question arises as to whether this is the result of their having fallen into apathy out of fear of repression and a belief that it is not possible to make progress ; or whether it is precisely because they have been making progress through existing channels that the militant challenge has withered .
25 And he stops at cafés , for a sit-down with a beer or an apéritif or a coffee , without so much as noticing the prices , or whether it is too near lunchtime .
26 I ca n't tell you whether the national critics are being unnecessarily difficult or whether it is truly deserving of some of the harshest write-ups to be given to a film this year .
27 Who actually does what will depend on the nature of your organisation , whether , for instance , it is part of a professional set-up drawing on different departments , resources and personnel within a company , or whether it is purely voluntary — or a mixture of both .
28 ( 3 ) When looking at clauses which require compliance with time limits ( eg a time limit for notifying a warranty claim after a defect is discovered in goods supplied under the contract ) the question to ask is whether the time limit has been imposed from a genuine need to protect the other party 's position , or whether it is there to make it difficult , or practically impossible , for the other party to exercise its rights under the clause .
29 The point is of some importance since a number of rules of procedure are growing to be applicable to Cabinet Committees and we ought to know where there is a real , useful distinction or whether it is merely the pragmatical difference that some are serviced by the Cabinet Office and some are not .
30 ‘ Mr. Gould the author of the Birds of Europe is about leaving this country for New Holland , or as it is now called Australia .
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