Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [indef pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Besides , you know , it 's too trivial , there 's too many important things , like why have n't you got the special offer on display , to even bother to tell why you 're not , why you 're not performing or if anything is n't going right .
2 STAINI RACK NUSVIODON Experiencing Staini Rack Nuul and then realizing that one must continue in the same outworn fashion because the alternatives are too frightening , or because one is too weak to change ; wearing a suit of clothes at which one sees strangers looking askance
3 Altho , although if one is eventually going to talk about the report one could to make it clear to the parents that what one is a subject report and the other is a summate report .
4 Traditionally , people tend to equate technology with expense — the idea that if something is electronically controlled or operated using a computer system , then it will inevitably be more costly .
5 Scientists believe that if something is not done about this problem , glacial ice will melt raising the level of the sea and flooding vast areas of low-lying land .
6 One of the difficulties of debating with the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) is that if one is not careful one is sucked into the vortex of hyperbole in which he seems to live .
7 This silence has a sub-text when accompanied by a slightly smug buttoned-up look , implying subtly that if one were only free to utter , one might have something very interesting to say .
8 We wanted to put our money in various places so that if one was not safe , the other would be .
9 ‘ It 's nice for the manager to know that if anybody is n't fit someone else can do the job .
10 In this way a good horizontal flow is far more certain than if one were constantly preoccupied with assessing the vertical results of each note combination , as was the case in the ‘ contradicting note ’ method .
11 Conditions in the Army were changing — had changed — so quickly that unless one were continuously involved there was no hope of keeping up .
12 The former says that because something is true for me it is necessarily true , while the latter says that because something is not true for me it is not true .
13 This may lead some to suppose that any attribution or commendation of neutrality assumes that whereas one is morally responsible ( i.e. , accountable ) for what one does , one is not morally responsible for what one does not do , or some similar distinction .
14 When Mrs Grandison had rejoined them it was still not quite half-past two , but Mark came in to say that as everybody was already waiting in the hall and it would be difficult to restrain them from buying things much longer , the bazaar might as well be opened immediately .
15 On it I shall argue that there is nothing that can not be understood , that there is nothing that can not be explained , and that everything is extraordinarily simple A great deal of the universe does not need any explanation .
16 As Earnest Kurtz argues in " Not-God " ( published by Hazelden ) , which gives the history of Alcoholics Anonymous , the process of recovery is essentially the recognition that one is not one 's self in control of the Universe , nor even of much of one 's own life , and that one is therefore Not God and nor are the mood-altering chemicals and behaviours that one previously " worshipped " .
17 ‘ And he 'll tell you that each of us would-be Marines is one in a million — one in a billion — except for he who sets himself above the rest of his brothers ; and that one is less . ’
18 The occasional protests by staff through the years over pay and conditions had usually been dealt with quickly , abrasions salved and healed by the implicit belief that matters would eventually improve , if not tomorrow , then certainly by the day after — and that one was still having more fun than was to be had almost anywhere else anyway .
19 At the least , the seller should agree to ensure that the business of the offeree group is carried on in the ordinary and usual course so as to maintain the same as a going concern ; and that nothing is voluntarily done or omitted which would result in a material inaccuracy in the warranties if they were repeated on , and as at , completion .
20 It 's your job to ensure that all difficulties are minimised and that everyone is as happy as can be . ’
21 Most people feel that the church ‘ knows about death ’ , and that someone is n't really treated with proper respect and dignity at the time of their funeral unless the church is present .
22 ‘ That bridge has got concrete cancer , ’ he warned , ‘ and if something is n't done soon there 's going to be a disaster . ’
23 Remember that when a probate or letters of administration constitute one of the title documents it 's unlikely in any event to be handed over , so look for a covenant for its production and if one is n't abstracted , make a requisition on the point , although you should note covenants for production are not necessary in deeds giving rise to first registration .
24 However , if this is not taken as proven , and if everything is not to be left to the socialist revolution , the evidence about ruling-class crime suggests , if anything , an extension of the scope of correctionalist criminology rather than its rejection .
25 I have always enjoyed going to Highfield Holiday park and to Clacton because I know that when you get there , there always seem to be a lot of people who make the effort to welcome people to the Holiday park and they have always seemed friendly and if anything was wrong i.e. you lose something or somebody accidentally falls and hurts themselves or indeed somebody else the staff are always quick to help and so are a lot of other people who are on holiday there .
26 People assume that if if something 's not on the list then it 's not important or not necessary .
27 These constructs constrain the individual 's view of the world , and whereas everyone is potentially able to make their own choices and decisions , they are restricted by the knowledge that to do so has an impact on other members of their family .
28 If you are worried about anything , particularly your pet or pets , then either before you go under the anaesthetic or as soon as you are conscious , ask the nurse to ring your neighbour and find out if they received your message and whether everything is all right .
29 He was sending her to face a hostile male and when everything was clearly laid down she was to spy on him — a thing she had refused so loudly .
30 Er and when nobody is there I ca n't just put a tape machine on the desk and leave it running !
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