Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [Wh det] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Read every word and study the plans , before and after your survey , and if you do not understand any point , or if what you see or have seen is at variance with what is set down in the documents , then it is VITAL that you consult your solicitor before exchanging contracts .
2 I felt that although what we had done in Orange had been severe and shitty , in choosing to go to Calvi and the Airborne regiment , I was letting myself in for treatment and discipline I could n't imagine .
3 And I have to say that although what I feel is my fault , and my responsibility , you have , up to a point , encouraged me .
4 The people of Northern Ireland naturally and rightly reason that if what they have suffered at the hands of the southern-spawned IRA , they have suffered while a majority , how much greater would that persecution not be if they ever entered a state in which they were a perpetual minority .
5 ‘ And the other thing is that if what you say is true then you have a form of extra-sensory perception .
6 This means that if what you buy is stolen or damaged , you 'll get your money back .
7 But the media ca n't say that , they ca n't interpret that because what they 've got to do is sell to their readers , a story which the readers want to hear .
8 Well to me when I come home of the Crimean I look at these massive tips you know in Blaenau on your left and the old on the right and that , erm if the old man that first rucked his pick and shovel or whatever trussel and or whatever they started would have known what he was starting then , it was like the Klondike of Wales .
9 In the beginning , okay believed in and or whatever you wan na call it , but it also believed in other gods as well , except he was the chief god , he was number one god as it were and he 's the one you got to follow .
10 The focus of his concerns seem to have lain close to tradition , and although what he wrote may be called natural history and social history , such definitions trammel him .
11 His reaction to my essay , on the other hand , brought me up with a jolt ; and although what I had written is of no interest — I seem to have lost the manuscript , so that is the end of the matter — I carne to value his negative appraisals .
12 I I listened to Mr speech with some incredulity I must say , but I did listen to what he said and if what he said is true then I I find some of the things disturbing and and er I 'd like to see his figures and I I w I I that there have certainly been er two messages coming to the social services committee in in in that case .
13 And if what you 've said is kosher , then somewhere there 'll be a bank of phones for him to do his dirty dealing on .
14 And If what you say about the state of his finances is true then he 'd have every reason for faking his death to escape the music .
15 Anyway I 'm not saying a word to him , I 'm gon na wait and see if and what he says because I say it 's making me angry .
16 Willis erm something to that class is n't it and and what you have classed as having more mileage .
17 And and what I 've got in front of me , David Lock , what I 've got in front of me is is erm , and I know David 's got it David Allenby 's got it as well , is the er paper from Harrogate 's Economic Development Officer to his Economic Development Sub-Committee , and it 's gone all the way through the process now and through the main council , where he has to answer that very question and I could n't put it better .
18 And th and and what I did is , all Roger 's got so far is about one sheet of A four typed up or something like
19 And and what I wanted was a means of identifying whether we 'd achieved any anything over the two days .
20 she 'll want money for the deposit and and whatever she gets .
21 Er you know but you see , conservative won the election and because what they did was , if you went on strike they they paid you off , you got sacked and you just did n't get any money .
22 I add a few words of my own only because of the difference of opinion between your Lordships on this question and because what I said about the availability of certiorari in my speech in Thomas v. University of Bradford [ 1987 ] A.C. 795 has been interpreted to include an error of law by the Divisional Court and the Court of Appeal [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 1277 which was not what I had intended .
23 But if what it means is to combine a sense of community , a sense of society , a sense of inter-dependent provision and collaboration in doing it and in providing true welfare con , consumerism , the government have chosen the word partnership .
24 But if what I have said by the light of a new candle is true — and who can doubt it ? — then even the elderly beeches and majestic old oaks of a remembered Forest of Dean are not capable of withstanding the fungoid of stress or the vegetable odours of spiritual decay .
25 But if what you saw was an illusion then how could you use the fact of that , to prove it was an illusion ?
26 But if what you say is true …
27 But if what you say is true , then at the very least she was guilty of accepting money under false pretences .
28 It is necessary for the painter to make the distinction because unless what he captures on his canvas is what Reid calls ‘ the appearance of objects to the eye ’ the viewer of the painting will not make the right judgements .
29 Written communications are different because whilst what you write represents your behaviour even though you are not present , it is n't happening ‘ in flight ’ as do face-to-face behaviours .
30 However , the suggestion is quite different from analysis because as what we 've seen what happens in analysis is in analysis the , the individual faces up to their inner and resolves them themselves , it 's a kind of a loner solution to use to use , to use Heather 's term .
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