Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [vb pp] with a " in BNC.

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1 Even if we find it difficult to imagine the strength of feeling behind this ambivalence , most of us can recall or visualize the ambivalence in a parent 's action when given a ‘ friendly cuff ’ , or when threatened with a poised hand and a laughing voice .
2 Predation experiments showed that when presented with a school of fry of mixed sizes , predators ate smaller fry more often than larger fry .
3 It would suggest that when faced with a choice between a case which rests on constitutional theories about limited government derived from a ‘ higher law ’ which controlled what government could legitimately do , and a case which rested on actual practices of government bolstered by actual law , the jury preferred the theory of what the constitution ought to be to the practice of what it is .
4 He noticed that when viewed with a camera obscura the image of the sun was too large but this enlargement was not explained by existing theory .
5 Advanced Micro Devices Inc and its partner Sony Corp has developed a more highly integrated device for use in CT2 cordless telephones : the Sunnyvale , California company says that the Am79C410 controller integrates virtually all the baseband circuitry of a digital cordless telephone on a single chip and that when combined with a radio frequency front-end , the CT2 PhoX controller offers manufacturers a complete CT2-standard cordless telephone system with minimal engineering effort , and claims that it will enable manufacturers to offer telephones with greater portability , lower power consumption , lower cost and superior sound quality ; sample quantities of the new controller are available now ; no price given .
6 James Stewart lost Glen Duror , and though compensated with a lease of the township of Aucharn , was deprived of his shop .
7 And though embellished with a couple of right hands which sought but did not destroy , it was the work of a crushing left hook-cum-uppercut that was ripped from the top shelf of Razor 's own weapon room .
8 Franco 's own forces were similarly , if less virulently , shot through with internal rivalries and disagreements ; but if confronted with a choice between the status quo and the risk of " the reds " returning , they would all opt for the former .
9 It was all very well reading about the clouds in books and studying the illustrations , but when faced with a sky full of different shapes and colours , we were frequently baffled .
10 Wood dyes are best applied with a cloth , because if applied with a brush , there will be dark areas where the brush first touches the wood .
11 As a brief aside , the issue raised here is principally one of perception , or rather one of representation , where certain products are represented as and connected with a material form and others are not .
12 The Sergeant was a meaty slab of a man , of fifty years ' service , ruddy-faced as though surfeited with a Marine 's haemoglobin-plus blood ; and through one Lyman 's earlobe he wore an alien foetus pendant .
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