Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 SALT I , the most important of these , placed limits on the further construction of intercontinental nuclear weapon systems by both sides ; it was intended to remain in force for five years or until superseded by a more comprehensive agreement , and it was the first real fruit of negotiations that had been proceeding since the late 1960s .
2 The Secretary to the Tribunal shall be the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee , or as supplied by the HCIMA secretariat .
3 The council may , with the consent of the Home Secretary make an order in the terms applied for or as modified by the Secretary of State .
4 To most of the questions the Head of Department answered ‘ Yes ’ or ‘ No ’ , with an occasional phrase or short sentence either offered in amplification , or as demanded by the question .
5 These were not in general obtained except when noted from scanning newspapers or when highlighted by the online services .
6 This might be the case with provocation , for example : there may be objections to some of the distinctions now drawn by the law of provocation , but a broader defence of extreme emotional disturbance might provide for reduction of the offence in cases of loss of self-control when caring for a baby or when arrested by a police-officer known to be acting lawfully , and some might feel that there are strong arguments against this .
7 Since she 'd started work she had seen nothing of the surrounding area , except that covered by the bus route which took her to work and back each day .
8 For an organ larger than this , there is no limit except that imposed by the customer 's ability to pay .
9 The Germanic tribe is therefore based on shared locality rather than kinship , but it consists of a collection of kinship units each with access to a territory , thus ‘ individual landed property ( of the different families ) does not appear as a contradictory form of communal landed property , nor as mediated by the community but the other way round .
10 As Philippe de Mézières wrote in the late fourteenth century , some may well have come from those members of the lower nobility who did not normally go to war except when summoned by the king , but who , in certain cases , were now being forced to take up arms as a business .
11 The Queen remains a remote figure , glacial and impenetrable except when caught by the press cameras watching one of her horses winning at the races .
12 Palmer ( 1988 : 199 ) proposes that when followed by the to infinitive , verbs of perception function as verbs of reporting , so that He saw the children to be eating their lunch means " He reported the children to be eating their lunch " .
13 The local doctors believed that when undertaken by the child 's mother it could have positive effects but fundamentalists like the magistrate insisted that any such teaching was morally wrong .
14 The abduction and murder of 2 year old , James Bulger , she says , underlines the importance , whenever possible , of not letting youngsters out of your sight and ensuring they know that when confronted by a stranger they 're allowed to scream and shout as loud as they like .
15 He was sure that when confronted by the letter Nicola would have told her husband to get lost .
16 Suicide or self-injury , wilful self-exposure to peril ( except in an attempt to save human life ) , the influence of drugs ( except as prescribed by a registered medical practitioner other than for treatment of drug addiction ) or alcohol , or the person insured engaging in , during the period of holiday or journey , wintersports , mountaineering , racing ( other than on foot ) or other hazardous adventure .
17 Regulations made under this section must not delegate to one or more members of the licensing board , or to officials or other persons , except as authorised by the Act , any responsibility which must be exercised by the licensing board at any of their meetings .
18 Except as provided by the subsequent provisions of this Part of this Act — ( a ) no person who under or for the purposes of this Act receives information relating to the business or other affairs of any person ; and ( b ) no person who obtains any such information directly or indirectly from a person who has received it as aforesaid , shall disclose the information without the consent of the person to whom it relates and ( if different ) the person from whom it was received as aforesaid .
19 Close inspection of the data showed that the context effects were due to inhibition : when preceded by an anomalous context , words took an average of 110 milliseconds longer to identify than when preceded by a row of Xs .
20 Meetings are to be held otherwise when and where determined by the trustee ( r 6.153(1) ) .
21 However , the Provincials are certainly not out of the frame by an means and although beaten by the PGL , must not be under-rated in any department by the high flying NIBA side .
22 And although restricted by a virus , the Glaswegian-born centre-forward has only found the target twice this season .
23 This initiative is an excellent one , and if agreed by the Council of Ministers will provide the basis for supporting traditional agriculture without intensification in places such as the Somerset Levels .
24 Help in the preparation of an acquisition strategy or an overall corporate strategy , if not already done and if required by the client , can be provided by MC Strategy Services .
25 Taiwan kept some tariffs high , and until coerced by the United States had used the still more effective trade weapon of an undervalued currency .
26 If a case is transferred , any directions in force at the time of transfer will continue to apply unless and until varied by the receiving court ( FPCR , r14(11) ; FPR , r4.14(9) ) .
27 Following transfer , any directions in force will continue to apply unless and until varied by the High Court .
28 Conversely , a balance of payments surplus involves a net inflow of currency , and unless offset by a contractionary open-market operation , this will result in an expansion of the money supply .
29 Fielding , Amis once remarked , showed that fiction can uphold a moral seriousness ‘ without evangelical puffing and blowing ’ ; his Take a Girl Like You ( 1960 ) has been aptly called a modernised replay of Richardson 's Pamela ; and when asked by a journalist which of the great novelists of the past he felt the closest affinity with , he replied reverently : ‘ With Fielding , though it seems a gross impertinence … ’ .
30 Candidates may leave an examination temporarily only with the permission of the senior invigilator , and when accompanied by an invigilator or other authorised person .
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