Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [adv] all [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some alien imports are quickly acclimatised into artistic traditions that last for decades or centuries , and nobody bothers if most of Shakespeare 's sources were continental , if porcelain came to England from China by way of Saxony , or if almost all the literary kinds the English tradition has excelled in , excepting only the detective story , have been borrowed from abroad .
2 This time white-collar jobs in services , from banking to advertising , have also been axed — the very sectors that provided virtually all the new jobs of the past two decades .
3 Miss Honey did just that , and within a couple of weeks she had moved into The Red House , the very place in which she had been brought up and where luckily all the family furniture and pictures were still around .
4 Erm but I mean we do have erm a session with them and and really all the information we gave was very sort of basic understanding .
5 Went on and on at this young lad who 'd spoken who thumped him he 'd apparently just one punch , I do n't know but but anyway all the charges have been dropped against this lad now so
6 But as almost all the front-running supercars are environmentally friendly these days , the two cheques are virtually certain to go to the same person .
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