Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pers pn] [vb -s] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus we might say that the sceptic implicitly claims to know his conclusion that knowledge is impossible , or that he claims that his premises justify his belief that justified belief is impossible .
2 The group can be asked to respond to what one individual has just said ; or it can focus discussion on one individual at a time ; or the counsellor can ensure that the group discusses general or shared problems , or that it links and compares different problems faced by individuals within the group .
3 It also has a residual power to make an appointment if the child has sufficient understanding to give instructions himself and wishes to do so or if it considers that it would be in the child 's best interests to be legally represented ( s41(3) ( 4 ) ( a ) and ( b ) ) .
4 Children are found in need of care , protection and control if the court establishes that they are not receiving the sort of care a good parent may reasonably be expected to give and they are falling into bad associations , are exposed to moral danger , or the lack of care is likely to cause suffering or seriously affect their health or proper development , or if it establishes that they are beyond the control of their parents .
5 I do not know whether he does not understand the measure or whether he thinks that he can discredit the idea by associating it with the poll tax .
6 If it does not , or when it files and gives notice that it is satisfied , or the court on application decides it needs no further information , then only is a return day fixed by the court .
7 Jon Thompson 's exhibition at the Hayward repeats the liquorice allsorts nature of Celant 's compendium , except that he proposes that the work is ‘ sculpture ’ and refers to a ‘ new type of imagery ’ in the single contextual panel in the exhibition .
8 He does n't seem to be embarrassed by anything , except when you try to provoke him by telling him that surely he must thump his desk once in a while , or that although he says that a record company exists ‘ to guide your artists ’ most of them must hate him at some point .
9 The reader is always aware that although he knows and mostly likes the people he is writing about , he is not necessarily taken in by their ideas .
10 In other cases the prisoner will know only that it is 20 years or more , although if he asks and if it is no more than 20 years he will , as I understand it , be given that information .
11 The commonest ( although still rare ) type of statement is that if it appears that a Bill has passed both Houses and received the Royal Assent , no court of justice can inquire into the mode in which it was introduced into Parliament , nor into what was done previous to its introduction , nor what passed in Parliament during its progress in its various stages through Parliament ( see , e.g. , Lee v Bude & Torrington Junction Railway Co ( 1871 ) LR 6 CP 577 ; Edinburgh & Dalkeith Railway Co v Wauchope ( 1842 ) 8 C1 & F 710 ) .
12 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
13 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
14 ‘ contributed to the … view that unless it appears that the wife clearly understood the effect of an instrument conferring a voluntary benefit on her husband it may be invalidated . ’
15 Meanwhile Amdahl says that while it believes that there is still strong demand for its mainframes , demand is proving erratic .
16 ‘ It helps to be a woman and I can exploit that when it suits because there are so few women in Parliament and it concerns a lot of people .
17 What is required is a mechanism for thinning the lithosphere during the heating phase so that when it cools and subsides a region of negative relief is formed .
18 The trouble with the right hon. Member for Guildford ( Mr. Howell ) — I say this without malice — is that when he says that he is being cheerful , he still sounds gloomy .
19 Proust , the most admired of all novelists among academics , appears to be saying just that when he writes that ‘ only true paradises are those one has lost ’ .
20 The quality of his contribution is underlined by the fact that when he retires as Scotland 's senior coach at the end of this five nations series , he will go on to coach the next Lions tour in the summer .
21 His ferocious anti-Christianity , in no way the creature of fashion , never waned even in old age ; and he never forgot that literature is about something , and that it matters whether that something is true or false .
22 I hope that the hon. Gentleman recognises that the increase in unemployment last month was the lowest for almost a year , that it was the third successive fall in the rate of increase and that it shows that the rate of increase in unemployment in Britain is now coming down fast .
23 However , I know that my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House is operating under constraints and that he feels that those arrangements represent the best way to proceed .
24 We have seen that Locke agrees that some things which we know , such as that all numbers are even or odd , could not be learnt directly from experience , and that he explains that he never meant otherwise , for what experience gives us is not knowledge itself , but its materials in the form of ideas .
25 And supposing it melts and we have
26 The present drought is already one of the worst to affect southeastern Australia in that time , and if it persists until May it will match anything in the record .
27 Now does your er assessed requirement , or your assessment of needs , still remain at sixty three hectares , and if it does if it does , is that all taken care off within the one hundred and forty five hectares for the Greater York figure ?
28 But I 'll I 'll make enquiries , and if it looks like she has gone out I will have to get in and we I 'm sure we can twist an arm .
29 We are urgently searching for a set — I 've been informed that some surviving sets are twisted — and if it means that we have to look abroad for a new set in Poland than so be it !
30 A party seeking to recover his property , which may be held , for example , by someone who has done work on it , will have first to issue proceedings , and if it appears that a lien arises , the court may order that the party seeking to recover may pay into court , to abide the event , the amount in respect of which the security is claimed together with such further sum by way of interest and costs as the court directs , and upon such payment , the property be given up .
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