Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The access funds supplement the main package of student support and allow universities , polytechnics and colleges to give discretionary support where access to higher education might be inhibited by financial considerations or where they consider that students face real financial difficulties .
2 We sat on our stools and I smiled at him , thinking he was going to ask me about my dress or where I lived or something , and he said , ‘ Who 's your favourite philosopher ? ’
3 The cursor is left on the last instance found , if the search was successful , or where it started if the search failed .
4 Where where you know that he can go out to the market for a popular metric bearing and and slaughter the old price
5 Either we can influence and help that to be to be good or or you know if that 's a failure then see whether they can help us to produce one for the town .
6 No we 'll leave it entirely up to you and i it was n't English , I think he was Polish or or you know and erm some beautiful meals there was a stew that he did and it was beautiful and we we told him
7 where once you woke and heard the threads
8 The party who supplies the infant does so at his peril ; it will not avail him that he did not know that he was dealing with an infant , or that he thought that his position in life was such as to make the goods necessary , or that he did not know that the infant was already sufficiently supplied .
9 Thus we might say that the sceptic implicitly claims to know his conclusion that knowledge is impossible , or that he claims that his premises justify his belief that justified belief is impossible .
10 Or that I killed and mutilated a half-mad witch ? ’
11 The group can be asked to respond to what one individual has just said ; or it can focus discussion on one individual at a time ; or the counsellor can ensure that the group discusses general or shared problems , or that it links and compares different problems faced by individuals within the group .
12 Struggle and cough until exhausted or until they find that a little cold drink will relieve .
13 We can bring you back at home or if they insist that you go back in an ambulance , you may , they may not put you back home you know , have you thought of that ?
14 If the spacing between the strands is uneven , or if they curve or go off at an angle , the knotting is irregular , and denotes a poor quality rug .
15 If Af = B we frequently say that f is onto B. If we do n't know ( or if we know but do n't particularly care ) that f is onto B , we often just say that f maps A into B. ( Thus " into " is just another word for " to " .
16 What do we usually do in times of stress , or if we feel that we need cheering up ?
17 In saying this , however , Blackie ignored the evidence of his colleagues in Scotland who unequivocally denied any protection , adding , ‘ If we have a criticism of a teacher or if we feel that a teacher is weak in some respects … the matter would be discussed very frankly with the teacher in the first place ’ .
18 Or if we find that a grand-daughter is assisting her own mother in caring for an elderly parent , whom is the granddaughter helping ?
19 It also has a residual power to make an appointment if the child has sufficient understanding to give instructions himself and wishes to do so or if it considers that it would be in the child 's best interests to be legally represented ( s41(3) ( 4 ) ( a ) and ( b ) ) .
20 Children are found in need of care , protection and control if the court establishes that they are not receiving the sort of care a good parent may reasonably be expected to give and they are falling into bad associations , are exposed to moral danger , or the lack of care is likely to cause suffering or seriously affect their health or proper development , or if it establishes that they are beyond the control of their parents .
21 And the barriers drop , so if you try and go through when the lights are flashing or if you try and go round the barriers the chances are the train 's getting nearer and nearer and could hit you .
22 If you take an instant dislike to a particular hypnotherapist , or if you feel that you are unlikely to be able to establish any rapport with him , then he is not the one for you and any treatment would be unlikely to succeed .
23 Emergency contraception sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used as a regular method of family planning .
24 Emergency contraception ( sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ ) may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used up to 72 hours after intercourse and an IUD method that may be fitted within five days .
25 It is Protestant perceptions which explain their actions and those perceptions were amplifying the fundamental divisions between those unionists who remained committed to pragmatic reform , either because they believed in liberal unionism or because they believed that satisfying the Westminster government 's demands for reform was the only way to maintain Stormont , and the right-wingers who wanted to preserve traditional unionism .
26 In other words , some women defined themselves out of the labour market because they felt that they were unlikely to get paid work or because they believed that they had no right to paid work .
27 Suppose you sometimes feel tempted to drive faster than the allowed speed limit , perhaps because you are in a hurry or because you decide that it is quite safe to do so and that the speed limit is unnecessary .
28 Suppose that he refused his consent for corrupt motives , or in bad faith … for party-political reasons , and not in the interests of the public at large … or because he considered that the information was laid by a pressure group , of which he disapproved …
29 On the other hand an ambassador might refuse a present because he thought it insultingly small , because his mission had been unsuccessful , or because it seemed that the monarch he represented was about to go to war with the one whose court he was leaving .
30 Whether she realized that the French alliance of 1548 was exceedingly fragile , entered into faute de mieux , or whether she assumed that it had a solidity which almost three centuries might have been expected to give it , is not clear .
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