Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pers pn] had [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If you decided on the first day of the PIW you could not pay the SSP or that you had to stop paying SSP during the PIW , you employee can not get SSP now .
2 The same thing always happened to him at school if he was brought out to the front of the hall for talking in assembly , or if he had to stand in the aisle with his hands on his head for not paying attention in class .
3 During the study days , the patients were fully ambulatory and could follow their preferred daily routine except that they had to return to the laboratory for their meals .
4 Except that I had to live with the aftermath .
5 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
6 I know that cos I had to work at it when I first come here
7 Mostly , these were people in lower socio-economic groups ; but it is worth noting that even in these groups people with high credit commitments , or people who said that if they had to arrange a loan it would be for a relatively large sum of money , generally said they would prefer monthly repayments .
8 Through an emissary , they threatened that if they had to withdraw — which was now inevitable — and the partisans attacked them as they retreated , the cities of Bologna , Reggio Emilia , Parma and Piacenza would be destroyed .
9 We have , just in this fact , an argument that if we had to choose one of the two strategies for the indefinite future we would do better to choose pragmatism , because it is so much more adaptive .
10 This was followed by the ‘ Stay Low ’ campaign , which pursued the now heretical approach that if you had to drink , then you could but make sure you stayed within the limit .
11 In the way that if you had to choose a player to score a century to save your life it would have been Boycott , then if you were pinned to a wall and forced to choose someone to win the Masters it would be Faldo .
12 I knew that if I had to drive to the park or into the country first , then the walking would never get done except at weekends .
13 ‘ I feel I should say that if I had to get washed up on a beach minus my memory I was lucky the beach was yours , Dr Vaughan . ’
14 I suspect that if I had to find an alternative to what we 've already proposed and what we 've constantly supported , I would actually go right back to the , I would actually go right back to the beginning erm because it would be cleaner and it would be clearer .
15 But I should say that if I had to buy them , I would do as I did with the ones I have — buy from a breeder .
16 I think he even said that in one of his last interviews , at 27 , that if he had to do it all over again , he would n't .
17 He said he hoped that if he had to do it he could count on me .
18 Then , when pressed by his principal private secretary , Colonel Waterhouse , he reluctantly said that if he had to advise , ‘ he would put Baldwin first ’ .
19 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
20 Maggie was a very young woman , she thought that if she had to face a gang of young firemen she would be more comfortable in something smart .
21 Now she thought that if she had to clear the table once more , put the few plates in the dish-washer , put the cereal packet away , brush the crumbs from the table top , she would scream and go on screaming : scream until the plaster started to crack from the walls and the neighbours gathered to stand whispering outside the window and the cat fled in terror .
22 The Modern Language Association Bibliography from 1985 to the present is available on compact disc , so you can do much quicker searches than if you had to haul out each year 's book one by one .
23 The justification for reserving this not uninfluential role to a small number of wealthy , landed families was that since they had to act as the Queen 's hosts when she visited the county , they needed a house big enough to accommodate her and her entourage .
24 In short , Karnstein appeared to feel that while she had to do her job — by the book , of course — she did n't have to like it .
25 Except when he had to go to sea .
26 I wish I 'd understood that when I had to deal with that meddling Monk . ’
27 We agreed that the lack of action was an outrage and that we had to draw people 's attention to it .
28 I 'm very sorry about the disturbance at the restaurant and that we had to cut the interview short .
29 For how many years have we been told it 's tax payers ' money do you remember Maggie and the tax payers ' money , it 's like this animal somewhere called the tax payer but it came out of the wall as if we were n't one of them and that we had to look after the tax payers ' money .
30 They recognised that God is sovereign and that they had to forgive , and they did .
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