Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pers pn] will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Until about eighteen months or so they will typically be unable to search for objects which have been displaced invisibly ( by transposing containers , for example ) .
2 ‘ And maybe he 's guessed I 'll put you onto him , or that you 'll just work it out for yourselves , so he 's settling old scores while he can , before they 're warned , too . ’
3 Although it may at first feel as though you will always be the new member of staff , or that you will never stop asking questions , most returners express appreciation and gratitude for the support and practical help offered by colleagues , and for the warm welcome extended to them on their return .
4 Do keep in mind that testing positive does not necessarily mean you will develop AIDS , or that you will inevitably become ill .
5 I 'm not saying you will always be successful or that it will never cost you a penny , nor am I advising those almost too timid to open a can of beans to tinker with a complex and potentially dangerous machine if they feel it 's beyond them ; we all have our limitations .
6 Jonathan do n't put in under there darling or cos she 'll never get it out .
7 The matter could conceivably be overlooked : either if ( instead of from your last employer ) , you are due to get a pension from an earlier employer ; or if you will only be receiving a State pension — and not a company pension in addition .
8 Many of the children have no idea what 's happened to the rest of their families or whether they 'll ever see them again .
9 How they emerge or whether they will always be visible and measurable is a matter of doubt .
10 It is still touch and go whether Americans will go into the election feeling better off than four years ago or whether they will still be blaming their President for keeping them comparatively poor — that 's to say , better off on average than anybody else in the world but not by as much as before .
11 Only general conclusions can be drawn at present because not enough is known about the parameters involved in this model ; whether the Universe will expand forever or whether it will finally contract is not yet clear .
12 Whether in the long term this will lead to a permanent increase in output , or whether it will simply lead to higher prices , is again a fiercely debated question .
13 And despite all its promise it is not yet clear whether it will pull capitalism out of its recession or whether it will only serve the interests of affluent minorities .
14 Yeah well , where as I will then !
15 This document purports to carry out the last mortal wish of the testator , except that he will probably go to eternity without being entirely sure that the document he signed actually said what he wanted , because he was quite unable to read it .
16 I I I I think that there is a peculiar problem here , and , and that is , that whilst I will fully agree with that judges should be kept or keep in touch with the usages and habits of modern society and how it 's changing .
17 Of course , being down to earth is one of Pam 's greatest strengths , and it 's good to know she 's back on track and that we 'll still be able to laugh with her for a while yet .
18 Now that 1992 has ended and a New Year has begun , I am confident that our Institute is in a strong position to deal with the challenges and opportunities which will come our way during 1993 , and that we will steadily ‘ go forward together and progress ’ .
19 As a result I undergo a bout of conscience , taking the short rod only when Odd-Knut assures me that we will eat whatever we catch , and that we will probably not catch anything .
20 Joan said : ‘ I want people to know that Brian has never been forgotten and that we will never give up hope that his murderer will be found . ’
21 I understand that they got 36.5 per cent of the total shareholding in the end , but Purchase and Szell say that they 'll be unloading some of those and that they 'll probably end up with about 20 per cent .
22 We have just seen that banks have the power to create money through lending and that they will frequently have a commercial interest in so doing .
23 Any other taxpayers who have agreed with the Inland Revenue that an action is a test case and that they will also benefit from the decision against the Revenue , should also not be affected by any retrospective amendment .
24 They pick a year in the future when they know that there will have been a general election and that they will probably not be in the same job as when they gave the commitment .
25 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
26 A point worth making here is that patients need to understand from an early stage the meaning of diabetes , that they have diabetes now and that they will always have it .
27 The government 's policy on community care ignores the significance of this change , and assumes that women ‘ will continue to accept their cultural designation as carers ’ and that they will always be willing to sacrifice work opportunities in the interests of caring for dependent relatives .
28 ‘ We believe we are making our financial statements more understandable , and that they will now be able to be read by people other than actuaries .
29 I 'm very happy that they 've been picked up and that they will now be on their way to Chile .
30 Ca ca n't you just , ca n't Jim just brief his staff , but er as far as that 's concerned w he takes it that the Q S has asked him to do all the site measurement er and that they will then produce the certification
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