Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [noun pl] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 Although it is a parent 's or guardian 's statutory responsibility to ensure children 's regular attendance at school , schools generally see it as their responsibility to monitor attendance , to seek explanation from parents for pupils ' non-attendance and to ensure that once pupils come to school they attend their classes .
2 Part of the problem is that once children go to ‘ big ’ school , parents expect them to do ‘ proper ’ school work , says Neville Bennett , Professor of Primary Education at Exeter University .
3 He ruled that if bondholders agree to a private swap of new bonds for old then their claim in any future legal case ( for example , a chapter 11 filing ) will be based only on the market value of their new bonds .
4 It is well known that when parents talk to young children they repeat a great deal of what the child says ( and , of course , also expand it ) .
5 It is true that when historians come to the basic task of source evaluation and exploitation , they will not be able to examine the alterations and check the handwriting but strategies of text analysis are already available which will allow researchers to evaluate authorship and even make judgements on changing style within an individual author 's corpus of text ( Holmes 1991 ) .
6 Liquid colours are best used for painting and tinting , and where colours need to be paler .
7 It can be seen from this that the data can not always be taken at face value and that users need to be warned of these problems .
8 Even rented accommodation has been taken up almost exclusively by incomers : company allowances and incomers ' higher salaries generally have meant that rents have increased and that incomers tend to be given preference as tenants .
9 They say a lethal cocktail of lorries and cars has caused more than fifty fatal accidents in recent years , and that improvements need to be made now .
10 ‘ A detailed appraisal is under way to ensure that any necessary improvements are made to procedures and that resources continue to be concentrated on areas of greatest need , ’ said Mr Curry .
11 The discussion in the preceding section has emphasized how insights from the corporate-strategy literature may help in arriving at a sensible assessment of individual project cash flows , and that models need to be based upon theories about market success .
12 It has certainly reminded us that the decade is likely to be characterised by low growth and tight competition , and that retailers need to be positioned with a low cost base , flexible work-force and strong retail formats to meet the challenges of the next few years .
13 6 Entries will become the property of Haymarket Motoring Publications Ltd. 7 It is a condition of entry that the rules of the competition are accepted as final and that competitors agree to be bound by the rules .
14 The test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
15 Following the case of Sofi v Prudential and the 1989 I O B Report the test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
16 Mort Shapiro recommends : that firms take their time , since undue haste could diminish performance ; that every stage should be documented ; that accurate language should be used on all occasions ; and that auditors stick to their checklists and deviate at their peril .
17 Although the Government signalled in the autumn that growth was the priority , Mr Lamont may still be sufficiently Thatcherite on economic policy to make an attempt to curb the deficit and if taxes have to be raised , the first Budget after the general election is a good time to get it over with .
18 And if men revert to being masculine , the Hic Mulier figure continues , women will once again become feminine and subordinate .
19 In multicellular organisms that reproduce asexually through a single-cell stage , the effects of Muller 's ratchet will be exacerbated , both because population sizes tend to be smaller than for protozoans , and because genomes tend to be large and hence to accumulate more mutations per genome .
20 There are the benefits of sea and sands and since cars have to be abandoned for the final approach , there is the pleasure of a short journey in a hooty little tin train .
21 But where standards appear to a discharger to impose excessive demands he may exercise a right of appeal to the Secretary of State .
22 Not because of some remarkable upturn in rural shoe-care standards , but because farmers seem to be going to agricultural shows less these days and doing less tyre-kicking when they get there .
23 But when organizations grow to a level where it is impossible for all the members to know each other , where the division of work between individuals and groups becomes more strict , where communications are restricted by physical and administrative distances and boundaries — in such a situation the need for an idea-handling system arises even in an organization where the cultural and climate conditions support creativity and innovation .
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