Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [adj] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 You fish from dusk to dawn ( or as long as you can last ) for three nights ( £180 , excluding accommodation ) .
2 In my long experience of this species , I have noticed that as long as you have only a few juveniles over 1″ , these seem to stop growing at around 1.25″ , until an adult dies , whereupon a young fish will fill the gap and grow on to adult size at a remarkable rate .
3 There is a widely held untruth that as long as you do n't copy more than eight bars , you are in the clear .
4 However little I care for the way you live , I shall concede that as long as you get your facts right , sense flavours and textures with accuracy and discrimination , think out the implications of your choices , are not deceived about your desires and ambitions , you may do as you please .
5 Well , I will tell you now , Murphy , that as long as you continue to do properly the job for which you are paid I do n't care how much you drink nor shall I tell anyone about it , not anyone .
6 I 've learned that as long as you 're happy with yourself , that 's all that matters .
7 You know that as long as you bring in
8 At the moment erm the way that we use computers is , of course , to use a keyboard , but I was talking to some people today who 've now developed and you can buy it , erm a system on which you can write on what you want to say , so that as long as you print fairly clearly you do n't have to learn any new typing skills .
9 ‘ As long as you know what you 're doing ’ , she ventures , adding : ‘ And as long as you know that it is right . ’
10 There are , though , a number of waves on a reach and as long as you limit yourself to three distinct pumps with a clear pause before the next set you should be alright .
11 The main route , travelling in an anti-clockwise direction , covers approximately 40 miles , so allow an hour or so for driving and as long as you like for stops !
12 My message to them : Good luck , and as long as you are satisfied with your weekly weight loss by all means continue to do your own thing .
13 And as long as you rent out no more than one-third of your property , your MIRAS ( mortgage interest tax relief ) is not affected .
14 You must lodge here tonight at least , and as long as you may wish .
15 During the sittings , he was always in good spirits ; and as long as you did not try to glimpse what he was putting up on the canvas , he would dilate on any subject that took his fancy .
16 ‘ But the beautiful thing is , life 's like that , it 's a journey , a search , and as long as you 're powered by love and keep on like Stuart , you do n't need the ambiguities resolved . ’
17 And as long as you keep producing the champagne and caviar , I wo n't hold it against you that you nearly had me exterminated by an octogenarian . ’
18 And as long as you do n't over , overcook them .
19 And as long as you keep
20 I think one rule that you have to follow and as long as you follow that particular rule then they can handle infinite amount of power , do n't make sense to me
21 And as long as you 're I do n't care what star you 're following you 're not bringing those camel through my garden !
22 And as long as you did n't choose something that had a very bad dye , in which case it would all run , but mostly it was very light , it was easy to wear , even easy to clean , so it was an immensely popular fabric .
23 As long as you make the point , and and in the as long as the quotes are grammatical , and as long as you can understand it , the the simple thing about any kind of communication is that you should communicate you know rather than you 're not trying to win the Booker Prize , are you , so just as long as you get the information over do n't worry too much about the , the journalism .
24 But as long as you are here , there 's one saving grace — you do as I bloody well tell you ! ’
25 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
26 But as long as you keep putting that gloop on your face , I think you have to seriously consider how liberated you really are . ’
27 ‘ Not much there but as long as you followed my instructions it will do . ’
28 An attack can be brought on by sudden exposure to very cold air but as long as you take your usual medication/inhaler ( with a spare refill ) along with you , there is no reason why you should get into any trouble .
29 But as long as you spot the early signs you should be okay — just keep the red bits covered for a few days .
30 We did occasionally get the flies blowing them like , you know , but as long as you get it , got it in time and cut it down and cut it up straight away it was all right like .
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