Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [noun sg] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is so irrespective of whether the contract had a fixed future date for delivery or whether delivery was to be within a reasonable length of time .
2 Thought should be given as to whether the requirement is for printing only , or whether design is to be included .
3 Secondly , that where information becomes publicly available through the actions of the plaintiff the courts will more readily find that the information no longer has the requisite quality of confidence than where publication is by a third party .
4 7.9.4 to produce to the Tenant on demand written confirmation from the insurers that they have agreed to waive all rights of subrogation against the Tenant ] ] It is essential that covenants of this nature should be included except where insurance is to be in the joint names of the landlord and tenant .
5 It has been argued up to now that although word-meaning is in a sense infinitely variable , nonetheless discrete units — ‘ atoms ’ or ‘ quanta ’ of sense — can be identified which at least in some respects are stable across contexts , and which are the appropriate basic units for lexical semantics .
6 ‘ Today I say to our financial and business leaders that although change is on the horizon , we understand the need to pursue stability even as we pursue new growth .
7 Even so , Piladu knew that once milking was over the facts had to be faced , and faced in the kitchen where his wife would be listening .
8 For the moment we need to notice that if normality is to be defined not in terms of contextual plausibility but in terms of frequency of attested occurrence , then in principle the teacher , selecting language by this criterion , would be confined to a presentation of expressions which realized a particular combination of syntactic elements with particular lexical items .
9 What I am suggesting is that if education is for all then it must meet all needs .
10 This no doubt guaranteed their trustworthiness to their new comrades and may well have persuaded them that if communism was for their brothers then it would do for them too .
11 It seemed to her that if love was to be great it had to be paid for with a terrible price .
12 The court and the court clerk accepted that if evidence was to be called and witnesses cross-examined , then the hearing was , in effect , a trial , and that two justices would be necessary .
13 In addition , we saw that if Christianity was to be made the source of values this would create a logical inconsistency in Professor Hayek 's defence of the spontaneous order .
14 There is also a further appeal before the court in relation to an application by the plaintiff for disallowance of interest upon the defendant 's bill of costs and er it is claimed that if interest is to be disallowed on their bill , interest should also be disallowed on the defendant 's bill of costs .
15 Claudia knew , instinctively , that if Roman were in Garry 's place his reactions would be very , very different .
16 For example , we have already noted the argument ( and see Chapter 2 below ) that if semantics is to be truth-conditional , then the truth conditions can only be assigned to utterances , not sentences — in other words , contextual specifications are a necessary input to a semantic component , and thus pragmatics is ( at least in this respect ) 16 prior to semantics .
17 On a more general level it is possible to say that since painting is in any case an art of illusion , in so far as it conveys sensations of volume and depth on a two-dimensional surface , it was easier for the Cubists to break with traditional conventions , to push the ‘ illusion ’ one step further , and to invent a new pictorial language , than it was to find a new way of dealing with the solid , tangible forms themselves .
18 This merely states that when output is at its natural rate , unemployment is at its natural level ; and that when real output is above ( below ) its natural level , unemployment will be below ( above ) its natural level .
19 It is clear that when demand is at level
20 Yet prior to the 1996 riots , major disorder was almost entirely confined to ‘ dispersal prisons ’ — prisons which house prisoners on long sentences and which are not overcrowded or understaffed , where conditions are relatively good , and where security is at a maximum .
21 Like so many others , Baron de Tracy knew which way the wind blew and where gain was to be had .
22 But it is extremely unreasonable to suppose that all ( perhaps any ) human beings act from that motivation , either , and if morality is to be a generally human phenomenon , it is simply a mistake to equate it from the beginning with such exigently Kantian formulations , and it is a mistake even from the point of view of the human sciences .
23 Individuals are therefore not subjects , and if history is to be a process without a subject there must be no subjects short of the ensemble of practices itself .
24 Pessimistic in the sense that is says people are basically nasty , and if society is to be possible , then nastiness has to be controlled in some way or other , and since human nature is anti-social , social order comes about against the grain of human nature as a rule , has to be imposed on human nature .
25 Even index-linked stocks should benefit , and if inflation is on the rise again , will also protect your income and capital from its impact .
26 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
27 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
28 Flimsy metal rails and plastic counters jar with the handsome Neo-classical forms of the galleries ; large panels have been built in the entrance of the three main galleries , blocking the views and making them look smaller , and because space is at a premium , the paintings are sometimes crowded together .
29 The springs sagged in the middle and before night was over all four bodies were entangled in a heap in the middle .
30 Canon Anthony Harvey , sub-dean at Westminster Abbey , said in an article in Theology magazine that the Church should rethink its attitude to extra-marital sex and whether marriage was for life .
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