Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] [vb base] that " in BNC.

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1 The access funds supplement the main package of student support and allow universities , polytechnics and colleges to give discretionary support where access to higher education might be inhibited by financial considerations or where they consider that students face real financial difficulties .
2 Where where you know that he can go out to the market for a popular metric bearing and and slaughter the old price
3 Struggle and cough until exhausted or until they find that a little cold drink will relieve .
4 We can bring you back at home or if they insist that you go back in an ambulance , you may , they may not put you back home you know , have you thought of that ?
5 What do we usually do in times of stress , or if we feel that we need cheering up ?
6 In saying this , however , Blackie ignored the evidence of his colleagues in Scotland who unequivocally denied any protection , adding , ‘ If we have a criticism of a teacher or if we feel that a teacher is weak in some respects … the matter would be discussed very frankly with the teacher in the first place ’ .
7 Or if we find that a grand-daughter is assisting her own mother in caring for an elderly parent , whom is the granddaughter helping ?
8 If you take an instant dislike to a particular hypnotherapist , or if you feel that you are unlikely to be able to establish any rapport with him , then he is not the one for you and any treatment would be unlikely to succeed .
9 Emergency contraception sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used as a regular method of family planning .
10 Emergency contraception ( sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ ) may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used up to 72 hours after intercourse and an IUD method that may be fitted within five days .
11 Suppose you sometimes feel tempted to drive faster than the allowed speed limit , perhaps because you are in a hurry or because you decide that it is quite safe to do so and that the speed limit is unnecessary .
12 Well erm my Lord I do n't know whether you 'd like to take certainly the rest of the afternoon and sit again tomorrow at ten thirty to get a clean start , having read all the documentation or whether you feel that you could read it before then .
13 but are best used in conjunction with an external filter to eliminate the problems of dead spots when the eels burrow — or when they decide that the uplift pipe would make an ideal home , so ensure the tops are tightly fitted !
14 Well , except that , that erm I think that even in defending our idea that we retain our individuality you relied on spacial movement , that is when you say that , or when I say that the one is within us , clearly you must be speaking metaphorically .
15 It 's the bit of the Gothic , except that we know that this is , well we do n't know then do we ?
16 It may well be there is nothing wrong with hops in this form except that I find that brewers who use them , such as Whitbread and Charles Wells , produce beers with a bitterness that is a shade too harsh for my liking .
17 the fact that , there might be a lot of unemployed people does n't nece around does n't necessarily mean that they feel that that they feel that they have a lot in common with each other , in terms of
18 The hon. Gentleman knows that although we believe that Kenya should proceed with all speed to multi-party elections , there is much preparatory work to be done .
19 More than that I believe that what is right needs to be said .
20 there 's a psychological as aspect in some so much that if they think that a policeman is gon na walk round the corner er , they 're not so keen on doing it .
21 We can surely conclude that if you know that you are sitting reading , you know that you are not a brain in a vat , and hence ( by simple modus tollens ) that since you do n't know that you are not a brain in a vat ( agreed above ) you do n't know that you are sitting reading .
22 First note that if you argue that , you must now logically think that the disadvantage has gone : prime-borrowing rates in Japan have risen to over 8% , roughly level with those in America .
23 I I do suggest that if you feel that some easing is required that er you could specifically refer to exceptions that will be set out er in local plans .
24 my Lord , my Lord er unless I 've miss understood your Lordship it fits in the sense that if you think that unreasonably or even unfairly disclude someone from the market , you 're are excluding someone who would compete in the market , you 're taking someone out who may of had an impact on the market , may of brought prices down , offer better terms and conditions
25 Indeed , finally , David Frost asked : ’ I mean in the situation that if you find that those two moves , the tax at 50p and the National Insurance contribution raised £4.5 billion or £4.8 billion ’ — which David Frost said was more than the right hon. and learned Gentleman needed — ’ you would n't adjust what you 're going to do , downwards ? ’
26 The conclusion seems to be that if I recognize that I have once wrongly claimed to know that p , then I can not ever claim to know that p unless I can show a relevant difference between the two cases .
27 If they face this honestly it is somehow less offensive than if they pretend that they are having their pets mutilated for ‘ the cat 's own good ’ .
28 And er over the years we 've built up a reputation I know is is a genuine one say that because I know that you 're going to appreciate this course and I use the term very very particularly you will enjoy it .
29 In La Male Honte , " Foul shame " ( although the title itself is ambiguous , representing Anglo-French " The purse of Honte " , and the fabliau itself revolves around this ambiguity ) , the deceased Honte 's friend carries the legacy due to the crown to the king " " a son col " " : simply , " on his back " , although since we know that we are reading a " " fablel " " we are especially prepared for a word such as col = " arse " , and have to carry forward in our minds to the rest of the fabliau the notion that it might be significant that the friend carries what is due to the king on his backside .
30 It might be that before you start that if we training you need to see what the performance gap actually is .
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