Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
2 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
3 The fact that so few complied not only testifies to the courage of those who signed , but also gives the lie to the notion that they were somehow conned into signing or that they did so out of temporary frustration with events immediately following the Danish vote .
4 She was n't sure that she could offer the same kind of commitment in return , or that she wanted so much responsibility .
5 Did he know that she 'd revealed his habit of farting as he came , or that I had once worn his pyjamas while she blew me ?
6 She had n't noticed before quite how dark his hair was , or that it curled slightly against his collar .
7 ‘ I went away and left him ’ , now even if they went , went away and left and , because they had to bring the children home , or if they went away and left him because they knew it was the best thing for everyone concerned , because the foreign office wants as many people , we all need as many people to get out of the area as possible ; their guilt will be huge .
8 If you had looked carefully , or if you knew enough , you would appreciate that these are , in fact , specially designed pilot 's boots which , with the aid of a couple of zips , convert into what was doubtless , in the forties , a pretty neat-looking pair of shoes .
9 And there was already the fear and the regret at the distance he seemed to be travelling from Ifor ; the utter ignorance of what was going to happen when or if he did finally and two years late pass the examination .
10 But would it have been different if Mrs Thatcher had had a spell on income support ? or if she had ever lugged a buggy , baby , toddler and bags of shopping on and off her infrequent , deregulated buses ?
11 Some regions and countries would have a comparative advantage , either because they were sparsely populated or because they cared less about the smell of a rubbish dump than their more pernickety neighbours did .
12 Whether because people really did not know how to interpret the revolution in England or because they wanted fairly complete independence and correctly suspected that William was going to exercise much the same overall powers as Charles and James had done , there was a revolt in New York that took some months to suppress and the colonists of Massachusetts at the beginning of the 1690s were no more reconciled to English rule than in the past .
13 I 'm not sure whether the change in areas was the reason for the last flurry or whether they had just been triggered by instinct and gone on the feed .
14 One obvious problem is whether social representations are peculiar to the modern age , or indeed to scientific thinking , or whether they appeared previously .
15 It is not recorded whether the Salas diary was his most recent acquisition or whether it appealed most to the colleague but the following story is quite remarkable .
16 Some of the changes were felt to be long overdue , such as a scale 3 second in department for English , and it was not always clear whether the appraisal had been the driving force behind a particular change or whether it had simply brought some long-standing problems to urgent attention .
17 It is not clear whether the water contained some herb which would induce miscarriage if the woman were guilty and pregnant , or whether it worked simply by psychological suggestion .
18 He had to drive now , where before he had merely steered .
19 It does n't matter whether it 's one pizza shared out between three of us or as we tried earlier two shared out between six of us .
20 And it also implies that where there had once been marriage , there was now divorce .
21 The dust lay peacefully , except where he 'd actually trodden or pawed .
22 It collapsed like a punctured airbag , except that what came forth was not air but rank , fetid water , vomiting out in a copious stream and bringing with it a stench that sent them both staggering back several paces .
23 It had simply been fun , the sort of fun she had with her women friends , except that she had also desired him , and he her .
24 I felt that this was possibly a chap I should look at — quite apart from the fact that I knew little of him except that he had somehow or other got out of Holland and become the ADC to Queen Wilhelmina at the Dutch headquarters in London .
25 Professedly an architect , though ‘ of his architectural doings , nothing was clearly known , except that he had never designed or built anything ’ , Pecksniff
26 He did not remember much about the journey back to London except that he drove very fast .
27 I do not remember much about the journey , except that it seemed far too long .
28 ( The previous version of the Code , which was still in force when Jones was tried , was identical except that it referred only to parades , not to other identification procedures . )
29 He writes : I was now convinced , after the stubborn to-and-fro contest for every foot of ground which had continued throughout the whole of April , that although we had more than once changed our methods of attack , a decisive success at Verdun could only be assured at the price of heavy sacrifices , out of all proportion to the desired gains .
30 Derek Edwards , speaking after the Place of Safety orders were extended , said that although they had all more or less expected this to happen , it was another blow for the parents .
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