Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or that somebody in the house wanted to give that impression . ’
2 It is not surprising therefore , that UK-ORS with its relatively low sodium concentration of 35 mmol/l did not promote net sodium absorption even in normal intestine , or that none of the solutions were able to reverse net sodium secretion to absorption in secreting intestine .
3 It applies where access to a lawyer can not be delayed , either because the offence is not a serious arrestable one or because none of the conditions for a temporary denial of access exist .
4 The following is an example of a suitable clause : It is hereby agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Articles of Association the investor shall be entitled at any time after Completion to transfer all or any part of the investor 's shares to another investor or investors approved by the Managers ( such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) to the intent and effect that any such investors shall be entitled to the benefit of all such provisions of this Agreement and Articles of Association as the investor shall require and the Managers and the Company shall do or procure to be done ( insofar as it lies within their respective powers ) all such matters and things , including the execution of all such documents as shall be necessary or which the Investors shall reasonably require for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this clause .
5 There is therefore very much in Engels 's discussion of existing political organization which is still acceptable ; however , recent anthropological work makes it clear that if something like the notion of the gentile constitution is to be retained , the concept would have to be broadened to include a much greater variety of such systems than was , or could have been , envisaged by the founders of Marxism .
6 We 're very obsessed with things called viewing figures in television and I worked out quite simply that if everybody among the eleven million people who are supposed to view Keeping Up Appearances every Sunday , popped a penny into a money box for Save The Children Fund one Sunday night , that would raise a hundred and ten thousand pounds within an hour , now why do n't we get going and encourage people to do that .
7 The paper goes on to say that since ‘ there is an assumption in our society that the blood tie or relationship with the parent is the ideal , then any alternative is seen as a failure rather than as something in the child 's best interest ’ .
8 For instance , there are firms or individuals describing themselves as ‘ chartered accountants ’ when they are not entitled to do so and where none of the principals involved is qualified to audit .
9 We did , er , we re we were hopeful , that in the next few months , there would be a full scale debate on the future on this building , and that we as the council , will take some initiative in , in actually the , the renewal of the lease .
10 Is he aware that his information is totally wrong and that nothing in the application shows that patient care and services will improve under the trusts ?
11 He went home with a single man whose mantelpiece was crowded with framed family photos — partners , holidays , weddings , babies , graduations , christenings ; the man ( who was gorgeous ) told Boy that he worked in a photo processing lab , and that none of the photos were of his own family or lovers , but were all stolen .
12 All the Iraqi people with whom we met assured us that they were eager for negotiations in order to avoid war , but said that they would not take orders from George Bush , and that none of the parties should insist on any conditions to the holding of these negotiations .
13 You should then turn the picture over and check that there are no creases in the material , or marks on the mount or card , and that none of the plant material has slipped out of place .
14 A Grand Jury in California handed up indictments against two officers of Symantec Corp alleging that they stole trade secrets from Borland International Inc after a six-month investigation by the district attorney 's office of Santa Cruz County , California into the allegations that a Borland officer brought confidential company material with him when he left Borland to join Symantec ; Symantec says that last it hired an independent law firm to look into the charges , and it was given the opinion that there was no crime committed and that none of the items constitute trade secrets .
15 He had promised William Tanner he would keep his eye on his daughter and make sure that she was treated right and that none of the customers took advantage of her .
16 She believed that private medicine ought not to coexist by the side of the Health Service ; or perhaps more fairly , that if it did exist it should not derive any benefits from the Health Service , and that none of the resources of the Service ought properly to be available to private practitioners .
17 Make sure that the fixing screws are tightened and that none of the pins are bent.The Grizzled Skipper instruction manual is nicely written and covers the the installation procedure in detail .
18 Does my hon. Friend agree that the pillared structure that has been negotiated by our right hon. Friends is more likely to provide the sort of flexibility that the institutions will need , bearing in mind that Europe is standing , to some extent , on shifting sands and that none of the situations extant in the 1950s , at the birth of the Community , remains the same today ?
19 The all-party talks on Oct. 12 proved inconclusive , and on Oct. 29 the SLFP withdrew its support for such talks , claiming that it had lost confidence in the government 's will to solve the country 's problems and that none of the opposition proposals had been put into effect .
20 If debtors are to be transferred , the purchaser should seek a warranty in the sale agreement that all the debts will be realised in full within a fixed period after completion and that none of the debts is subject to any counter-claim or is disputed .
21 I then had a responsibility as the team leader to ensure that the rest of the house was secure and that none of the other units were having any problems .
22 And although none of the critics called him a genius for playing in them , none argued about the extent of his talent either .
23 It was very much alive in England and the French principalities in the mid twelfth century , and if anything on the increase in Germany .
24 anyway and everybody just takes one look at it and after everybody in the house has taken one look at it it gets thrown in the bin , if it lasts that long .
25 It all depends on who the heads belong to , what they are talking about and whether we in the audience have a reason for listening to them .
26 That meant he carried on and when someone at the last moment dropped out , he dropped in ; it was more or less par for the course that , by the end of 1944 , a very large number of Pathfinders had notched up 70 or more sorties .
27 And when none of the four owned up , all were sacked .
28 The second element is the picture of serious inquiry as optional , and as something from the results of which the inquirer is distanced .
29 Since the reserviour was built it has become an important tourist and recreational centre but now none of the businesses can be sure they have a future .
30 But if ‘ transcendence ’ means not that God is physically distant from the world , but that none of the characteristics of finite human life , like location , duration and change , applies to Him , then it is at least not an obvious contradiction to call Him both ‘ transcendent ’ and ‘ immanent ’ .
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