Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [adv] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Their hair was uniformly black , and cut short , seriously short , or if long it was spiky and rigid , sticking up and out and sideways , like a handful of needles , rather than hanging down .
2 A rather similar phantasy informs the divide-and-rule thesis except that here it is the ruling class whose power is both all-pervasive , and works to sow the seeds of rivalry amongst those ‘ brothers and sisters ’ subjected to its tyrannical will .
3 Except that already it is not quite that simple , since the post-modern sophisticate is also the critic of these other , negative ways of relating to the other ; he or she is the one who diagnoses their social and psychic economies .
4 The difficulty is that although sometimes it is possible to point to an intention to compel action on the part of the target , as when the aim is to prevent employees from working , or to force a local councillor to vote differently , or to stop another organisation from marching that intention is not invariably present .
5 Miss Fergusson courteously responded to the suggested transaction by pointing out that if indeed it was impossible to ascend the mountain , then the likelihood of their believing that the amulet could be a piece of bitumen from the Patriarch 's vessel was not very great .
6 He believed that the government had lost credibility , first by denying that any recession ever existed , then by claiming it was only minor , then by claiming that though perhaps it was severe the recovery was just around the corner .
7 Karen , very tired and possibly a little drunk , realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before , at an earlier dinner in the house , and that somehow it was probably quite offensive .
8 Reliance was placed on Director of Public Prosecutions v. Ellis [ 1973 ] 1 W.L.R. 722 , where it was held that the fact that two accused persons had been prosecuted to conviction did not mean that the purposes of Part I of the Act , namely securing compliance with and detecting evasion of the Act , were spent ; and that accordingly it was still open to the authorities to employ their powers to obtain information relative to the same transaction from another person .
9 He told Mary that it would be all right and that anyway it was too late now to do anything else .
10 I am saying that there could be an appeal to the Secretary of State and that therefore it is not appropriate to have a meeting .
11 The latter pointed out that , while there was a general process of restructuring , the way it worked out in practice was different from case to case and that therefore it was pointless to search for highly regular patterns .
12 It is said by the appellant … that International Law has firmly fixed that a locus such as this is beyond the limits of territorial sovereignty ; and that consequently it is not to be thought that in such a place the legislature could seek to affect any but the King 's subjects .
13 The association of thrust faulting on the margins of the Tibetan Plateau with normal faulting in its highest regions has been interpreted as suggesting that it has attained its maximum elevation , and that consequently it is tending to grow outwards rather than increase in altitude .
14 Once again Day-Lewis manages almost chameleon-like to become subsumed by the part he is acting and although here it is basically one dimensional he persuades easily that this is his actual persona .
15 Usually this method put in nearby groups plants that intuition , or an enumeration as done by Adanson , indicated were alike ; but not always , and if not it was just too bad .
16 Obviously , pollen grains are very small plant remains , and can not be seen without the aid of a microscope ; but larger remains ( macroscopic plant remains ) , such as seeds and grains , leaves , twigs , wood and charcoal also provide evidence about the vegetation that existed around a site , and can show if and how it was exploited by the people living there .
17 Did you see that one erm with where the , really old boy on a scrap yard , like a , and and then it was like a huge park !
18 Flying off water takes different and rather greater skill than boring ground-bound aviation , and while sometimes it is slightly less practical , it is always immensely more rewarding — and much more fun .
19 I rarely comment on Irish affairs , not because of lack of interest but because the Irish communities would reject any opinion or suggestion if they considered it a ’ Brit ’ suggestion or opinion , but , in this instance , the circumstances are so hideously distressing that I feel compelled to comment and to ask the Minister whether he thinks it a heavy irony that last Friday 's incident followed successive discoveries of large caches of arms and whether perhaps it was a desperate attempt by the IRA to reassert some degree of authority .
20 The sky was cloudless and the air still , and as yet it was not too hot .
21 For fourteen years we have been bashed by the Tories , we have been led by a pound of poof T U C and as now it 's time to stand up and be counted .
22 But where once it was poisonous mixtures , including deadly white lead , which claimed the allegiance of the fashion-conscious , today it is the fruits of science , which include collagen , vitamins , ‘ systems ’ , micro-capsules , thymus extracts and retinoic acid .
23 Went down there with all the wine bottles from Christmas do n't do but and then it 's completely ruined !
24 Manescu wondered whether it was one of the guards , but if so it was n't necessary .
25 Tell you what , the only the thing hurts on me mate , I reckon I 'm I 'm doing this this time but but then it 's my shoulder .
26 A child is duly conceived , but before ever it is born , there is a breakdown of relationships between Sarah and Hagar , and Hagar has to flee into the desert .
27 Domesticity need never intrude on the relationship ; it may be sporadic , but when there it is always intense .
28 Again it says licences will be allocated by competitive tender , as for Channel 3 , but as yet it is unlikely Channel 5 will be broadcast nationwide .
29 But as always it is not quite that simple .
30 The demands include ingredients , place of brewing , date of bottling or racking , and whether or not it is cask or brewery conditioned , bottle conditioned or pasteurised .
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