Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] go to " in BNC.

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31 What makes you nervous about them is that when you go to dinner with them , they pump up the chair .
32 ‘ Anyway Muhammad said to this chap that when you go to the toilet you should n't wipe your bum with your right hand . ’
33 And I learnt from various teachers that when you go to these private schools and they 've been to schools , they hold them back because they like , they do n't like the
34 I learned that when I went to a conference at Sheffield .
35 In fact , they were so well drilled that when I went to C Division — Essex Street — you 'd wait on the corner of a back street and there 'd be a crowd of fellers there and within no time , before you could get near them , they 'd all have disappeared .
36 Er I think I learnt that when I went to the meeting of the South East Croquet Federation earlier in the year .
37 I find it disappointing now that when I go to a completion meeting , I am often the only woman there .
38 A vicar in Battersea told me the other day that when he went to the church festival of Christmas at the local primary school — one of the schools within his parish — there was plenty of Father Christmas and jingle bells , but not one reference to Jesus .
39 Maybe he seeks a more thrustful mien so that when he goes to his nasty little hutch in the City and glares at his neurotically blinking little screen and barks into his cellular telephone for another tranche of lead futures or whatever , he comes over as just a trifle more macho than we all know him to be .
40 ‘ It was only when they came to see me and talked about it that he found out that when she went to bed it was to get ready for sex , while he stayed downstairs because he thought she was n't interested . ’
41 Sometimes I braved the elements and went out to the garage and thought about a hosepipe on the exhaust of the car , but I was never brave enough to face real oblivion , although when I went to bed at night , I used to refer to it as slipping into oblivion .
42 I must say when I got up this morning I did n't feel much better than when I went to bed last night but there we are .
43 and or she went to the door
44 Because of the seasonality of fruiting , the major question left unanswered is where the dispersal agents come from and where they go to .
45 In that same year Welford Beaton argued that it was people like clerks who made up the bulk of the great movie audience and that they went to the cinema for inspiration .
46 But we still do n't know much about the man himself apart from his age ( 59 ) , and that he went to Shrewsbury School at the same time as Michael Heseltine .
47 What is striking about it is that he is the first Anglo-Saxon king known to have abdicated to go to Rome and that he went to Rome not as a baptized Christian but to seek baptism .
48 You do n't mention him , except to say that he was a biologist and that he went to England to work for two years at the chemical weapons experimental establishment at Porton Down .
49 And so they went to the cinema .
50 His parents are well-off farmers in Somerset , and although he went to the prestigious Ampleforth school , he spent only a year after taking his A levels at agricultural college before becoming a BMW car salesman .
51 She was elderly and although she went to church on a Sunday , I did n't feel that I could trouble her with my religious affairs .
52 ‘ People go to school to learn , ’ he said , ‘ and if they go to school to learn , at the end of the day they have to be marked in such a way that future employers or colleges know what they have achieved . ’
53 I also establish safety by showing I 'm able to take a hell of a lot of flack and stress and if they go to pieces , I 'll be there .
54 And if everything goes to plan , archaeologists will have a new way of dating wooden objects .
55 Eight o'clock in the morning , and if she went to work then he hoped still to be in time to catch her before she locked the front door and shut out the intrusion of a man from the Service .
56 So Steve and myself are er have done a done a bid that we should know today whether or not it 's going to the main group , and if it goes to the main group , there 's a great chance it 'll be accepted .
57 And if I go to a rugby match , I do n't want to be accused of womanising when I 'm at Cardiff Arms Park cheering and shouting . ’
58 ‘ They 've been bringing their dogs to do their business in my front garden , and if I go to the council , d' you know what they 'll say ?
59 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
60 Generally and for the most part they 'll come up with the same sum at the end of the day and if I go to two different philosophers and say , erm can you tell me about free will ?
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