Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] be give " in BNC.

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1 After an hour or so they are given a brief rest by switching the lights off and then they are tested by being given a choice between attempting to follow the light on which they had been imprinted ( say the red ) and another , unfamiliar light , say the yellow .
2 Some also suggested that a national holiday be established in his honour or that he be given some honorific title — le Bienfaisant or ( significantly ) Le Père du Peuple .
3 Erm the , the other thing I noticed was that there is very little or no eye contact at all with Martin so you , you were never really looking at him when you were asking questions or when he was giving you the answers back , so there was no er visual acknowledgement whenever he was , he was coming back to you .
4 Nor that you were giving in to Narouz . ’
5 Joseph saw that although he was given evil he was able to turn it into goodness .
6 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
7 Of course the argument runs that until they 're given a run no-one knows quite what they can do .
8 The point to note about the above defences is that if they are given a wide construction by the courts ( and it is too soon to tell , as too few cases have been brought ) , then the risk of prosecution diminishes even further .
9 Little by little , however , MacDonald and his closest colleagues became convinced that if they were given the opportunity to form a Government it would be folly to turn it down .
10 The moral to be drawn is that if we are to give an account of knowledge which does not include a requirement of certainty , our account should make room for the notion of certainty somewhere ; if it sees certainty as a requirement for a knowledge claim it needs to be able to explain in its own terms why that should be so .
11 For as well as suggesting that if we were to give up the view that most actions are autonomous we should have to give up a great deal else as well , it asserts that this transformation of our attitudes is actually beyond us .
12 The only point that I would make is that if you are giving an opiate it will have many of the same effects and if I had to choose , I would probably prefer the opiate to diazepam .
13 I could see that if I were to give way to retroscendence the average supermarket gondola , stuck with myriad products like a hedgehog with spines , would become a mystic test-bed able through its thousand portals to suck me into individual sagas so complex , so durable , that I would perhaps never reemerge .
14 I believe that if I 'm given the chance to fight the George Forman of old , the George Forman of today would be the better .
15 He says that if it 's given regular pruning there 's no reason why it should n't live for a few hundred years more .
16 The pools people argue that unless they are given ‘ a level playing field ’ to compete with the lottery , two of the three leading firms could go out of business , with the loss of thousands of jobs .
17 Now , the Family Health Services Authority has warned that unless it is given more money , prospective fundholders could be discouraged from joining the scheme .
18 I always feel that when he 's giving , , because he gives them to one , does n't charge for any
19 There is little evidence , however , to correlate serum concentrations after the dose with toxicity , and indeed experimental nephrotoxicity caused by gentamicin is more severe when the total daily dose is divided than when it is given by a single bolus , when concentrations after the dose are higher .
20 It may be , however , that the reason for the failure to link these up with child behaviour is that they are too specific , and that they are given meaning only in the wider context of parental attitudes .
21 Realising these advantages assumes that DHAs do have bargaining leverage over providers , that they do have choices and that they are given the freedom to make them .
22 And for everybody whose joined after , I think it was last January , we make sure that there is a job description , and that they are given one when they join , and we keep on file erm , but I know that there are loads of people who have been here longer than that some people have got them and they are out of date .
23 He claimed that the commander of Silvan Gendarmerie Post proposed to him , with a combination of threats and bribes , that he should assassinate Mehmet Menge , Diyarbakir SHP ( Social Democratic Populiats Party ) Board Member , and that he was given a Kalashnikov rifle and hand grenades .
24 Maurice Cowling has suggested that Law 's resignation was tactical , that he could not face reconciling his party to the coming Irish negotiations , and that he was giving up office so as to be available as an alternative to coalition in the future ; in Gaullist terms he was becoming a Prime Minister " in the reserve of the republic " .
25 ’ 'T IS bruited about that the king is unwell and that you are given to displays of temperament !
26 Then she heard Christ speaking to her , saying that she would have victory over all her enemies , and that she was to give up the hair-cloth that she wore and her continual saying of the Rosary , but must stop eating meat .
27 They rightly sensed that there was a mass audience waiting to be entertained and so they were given every incentive to hang on to the goose that was laying the golden eggs .
28 It was a manifesto for change , and although it was given greater publicity by the Tories and the local press than by the Labour Party , it was with this manifesto that Labour increased its majority in Haringey .
29 Hence if shares are given a preferential dividend they are presumed to be non-participating as regards further dividends , and if they are given a preferential right to a return of capital they are presumed to be non-participating in surplus assets .
30 And if they were given the opportunity or or and the impetus to start to do something positive , I 'm sure they would take that up .
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