Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] he begin [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once or twice he began to say something , paused and then branched out to another subject which had no connection with the one before .
2 He enjoyed these very much , and eventually he began to appreciate the more doctrinal portions of the Bible as well .
3 When he was nineteen , Reza Shah decided that the Crown Princes marriage was due and so he began trawling the Middle East for the most suitable wife — from a dynastic point of view .
4 Gusev likened himself to an industrious spider , sitting at the heart of a complicated web , pulling a thread here , tightening one there , until finally he began to see a pattern .
5 After all , he had managed to dismantle the magical aspects of my eidesis and now he began to chew away at the very grist of what he termed my ‘ delusionary apparatus ’ .
6 ‘ It moves for me by contrasts , ’ he said , and now he began to take an interest in , even to listen to , what he himself was saying .
7 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
8 The pain receded in the warmth of his caresses , and then he began to move and she found herself given over wholly to sensation .
9 As he got on , and less nervous , the words came easily ; and then he began to dislike being restricted by a written text and to prefer headings .
10 And then he began to think , why not do it , why not ?
11 He said something aloud — something about a devil , I thought — and then he began striding away as if his life depended on it .
12 For a moment Basil looked angry , and then he began to laugh .
13 And then he began to laugh and scream like a man who was mad
14 The haughty face was still for a second more and then he began to laugh softly , warm , dark laughter that took her completely by surprise .
15 I think he began to resent marriage first and then he began to resent me . ’
16 Now , in the privacy of the bedroom of his personal suite , swiftly and silently he began to change into the black clothing he wore when prowling the night for victims .
17 Mr. S. was instructed to transact the sale in the normal way and accordingly he began to enter the sale on the computer .
18 Adam had a shirt on , the kind that buttons up , not a T-shirt , but now he began to take it off , having an idea of what might be about to happen .
19 The brandy steadied him but now he began to sweat .
20 He had always disliked me , although he pretended to like me , but now he began to suspect his wife of visiting me privately , and he became jealous .
21 At first Johann was afraid to speak , but then he began to talk .
22 But then he began to wave again , muttering to himself , ‘ He 's just jealous of my velvet . ’
23 But then he began to laugh again .
24 Jonathan , his mother and Allitt had gone to a market together : while there he began to feel nauseated .
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