Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [num] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Formaldehyde solution , as supplied to Embalmers from the major manufacturers , is usually of Index 26 , 28 or , at most 32. ( 26 per cent , 28 per cent or perhaps 32 per cent solutions ) .
2 The worst affected trees were in the UK , where 57 per cent of trees had lost 25 per cent or more of their leaves , partly as a result of a series of dry summers ; the healthiest were in France and Spain , where only 10 per cent of trees suffered substantial leaf loss .
3 The situation is worst around the Aral Sea , where only 10 per cent of the local water supply is fit to drink .
4 In Mauritania , for instance , where only one per cent of women uses contraception , the average number of children born to a woman is only 6.25 and the number surviving is even fewer .
5 People can opt for the group 's Global trust , where only 50 per cent of the funds go into the UK , or for one of the UK-based unit trusts , or pick one of more than 200 shares on the Pru 's list , or select a combination of both direct and indirect .
6 So , if you 're looking for a really healthy holiday this year , grab a jumper and head for Eire , Sweden or the Netherlands , where only three per cent of visitors reported any illness .
7 The maximum difference in altitude associated with the Earth 's solid relief is about 20km , or only 0.31 per cent of the planet 's mean diameter .
8 In fact , it will buy 10 per cent less or only 90 per cent of what it would have when you originally made the money available to your debtor .
9 Certainly , dog loos are an option , but many are extremely expensive , or not 100 per cent safe , containing chemicals which can be toxic to people , pets and soil .
10 The budgetary deficit , which in January 1990 had been estimated to stand at around Rs55,800 million , widened in June to Rs64,400 million [ see p. 37530 ] largely because of increased defence spending projected in 1990/91 at Rs63,300 million , or approximately 37 per cent of total expenditure [ see p. 37530 ] .
11 for example , the Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( DAFS ) estimated there to be 75,000 people working in agriculture in Scotland in 1976 , but the Department of Employment data for the same year revealed only 33,000 people , or just 44 per cent of the DAFS total .
12 The proportions among those aged 75 — 84 were 8 per cent of the married , 34 per cent of the others , and for those aged 85 or more 25 per cent compared with 61 per cent .
13 Indeed , only 29 per cent of farmers had actually altered field boundaries between 1949 and 1 978 , and only one-third had reclaimed moorland in the last 7 to 1 5 years , and so the picture that emerges is one of a more dynamic profit-motivated minority replacing a more conservation and landscape-orientated majority where still 56 per cent of farmers are over 50 .
14 Edinburgh East , for example , lost 2,721 electors , or nearly 6 per cent of the 1987 figure ; it 's a safe bet that few of such ‘ lost electors ’ would have voted Conservative .
15 But in a society where the official rate of unemployment doubled between 1979 and 1981 , from 5.3 per cent to 10.4 per cent and reached over 3.5 million or nearly 15 per cent during 1986 , where the Government , in the name of the market , is committed to weakening the ability of workers to defend their jobs , where the Government , in its desire to break what it sees as the ‘ dependency culture ’ , has systematically set about dismantling the welfare provisions which protected the poorest and weakest in society , where the Government , as part of its programme to establish a new thrusting entrepreneurial society , has encouraged a widening of differentials in income and wealth , we would expect the societal tensions produced to be expressed in , among other things , rising levels of crime .
16 This was not just a matter of helping a company and a colony in trouble ; imports were easy to tax , governments found that luxury products were particularly satisfying because their sales were not depressed by high import duties , and tobacco paid duty at a shilling a pound or about 100 per cent of the wholesale price .
17 Since federal expenditure on administration was only 48 billion dinars , expenditure on this item by all other agencies appears to have been 355 billion dinars , or about 3.8 per cent of adjusted social product in that year .
18 In 1979 , for example , of the 80,000 full-time teachers employed in further education only just over 36,000 , or about 45 per cent , were trained in that they had successfully completed a course of professional training approved by the DES .
19 One result of this change was that the number of households enumerated was about 300 thousands more under the new definition or about 13 per cent ( Todd and Griffiths , 1986 ) .
20 The mean or average amount was nearly 8 a month or about 0.76 per cent of average earnings .
21 By the end of the decade it was importing 8–9 million barrels per day , or about 30 per cent of OPEC output .
22 Although Labour was defeated in the General Election of 1924 , the election which saw the publication of the ‘ Zinoviev Letter ’ with the allegation that it revealed the Communist intention to stir the masses of workers to revolution through using the Labour Party and the Anti-Soviet treaty , its vote increased by more than one million , or about 24 per cent , even though the number of Labour MPs was reduced from 191 to 151 .
23 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
24 He partly supported this belief by the fact that of the 3,700 books or articles listed in the two-volume Criminology Index ( Wolfgang , Figlio , and Thornberry 1975 ) which reviews theoretical and empirical work in criminology from 1945 to 1972 , there were only ninety-two , or about 2.5 per cent , dealing with white-collar or corporate crime .
25 Environmental protection in the UK cost £14 billion in 1991 , or about 2.5 per cent of the country 's GNP , according to a report by the Department of the Environment , with about one third of the total being paid by the government and the rest by industry and consumers .
26 Between 1979 and 1990 , 1,250,000 council houses , or about 20 per cent of the total stock , was sold to sitting tenants .
27 In the early 1870s a six-week round trip for two people from London via Belgium , the Rhine Valley , Switzerland and France — perhaps still the standard tourist itinerary — cost about £85 , or roughly 20 per cent of the income of a man earning £8 a week , which would have been a respectable servant-keeping income in those days .
28 Duodenal ulcers are more common than gastric ulcers in the UK where about 10 per cent of the population have ulcers or ulcer scars .
29 But the government should put up 90 or even 100 per cent of the cash in cases of long-term R&D that are by nature speculative .
30 However , although this still may be effective in the less-developed world where about 50 per cent of the world 's labour force are still engaged in agriculture ( Grigg , 1976 ) it can no longer be used in the developed world for , as the next section shows , primary employment in most western countries has fallen below 10 or even 5 per cent .
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