Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 A bystander at his creation , or rather arriving a few moments after it , would feel justified in assuming that Adam had had a mother , been born and brought up in the usual way , and was in every way like us ; but he would be wrong .
2 So that , no matter what they do , they are more or less giving the same performance each time .
3 Can you take easy exercise — walking or gently cycling a few miles , running up the stairs , carrying a heavy suitcase a distance — without becoming puffed or stiff ?
4 Of course , it 's Bonfire Night , so if you 're off to a display or just having a few sparklers at home , have a great evening .
5 Or it may be that you are not introducing enough variety in your activities , either always doing things in the same few ways , or else doing the same activity for too long a time at one stretch .
6 If we are to do better than just preserving a few isolated museum forests , then major land reform is essential .
7 We talked with our students about the freedoms of college life , and suggested that they might judge whether or not certain behaviour was ‘ age appropriate ’ by looking at the nursery nurses ( incorrectly and naïvely assuming the latter would unfailingly provide the models we sought ! ) .
8 One then ‘ breeds ’ a new generation of routes by combining features of the best ones , and randomly altering a few details as a form of mutation .
9 The system , located below the outfall from the hotel 's septic tank and apparently comprising no more than a marshy , plant-filled hollow , blends easily into the informal garden .
10 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore .
11 This produces the stress of tiring ambulance journeys , the long wait in the clinic and not seeing the same staff at each visit .
12 Many articles have appeared in the amateur radio press and elsewhere describing the many aspects of propagation and giving more detailed information on the theory of and effects of solar radiation on communications systems .
13 He sat at his desk looking over the same papers and repeatedly having the same conversations but unable to take decisions or achieve anything .
14 it is worth writing an index and even typing a few pithy words of your own to remind you , and others , of why you did what you did , when you did it !
15 So you would n't have to spend a fortune on , on , on I mean it 's only a matter of most of it 's a matter of paint , and then hanging a few things up is n't it ?
16 Father Poole listened , now and then muttering a few words of encouragement whenever the voice faltered .
17 This procedure is not restricted to one subassembly : a part can be checked against all other adjoining subassemblies by moving up the hierarchical structure one level , an adjacent sub-assembly file and then performing the same vertical search .
18 Holding a length of silk in its beak , it then pierces a hole in the leaf and pushes the silk through it , tying a little knot in the end to prevent the thread from slipping back through the hole and then doing the same thing on the other side so that the two leaf surfaces are secured to one another .
19 ‘ I was in here one afternoon , practising and then playing a few frames .
20 Oliver remained in Fagin 's room for many days , picking the marks and names out of the handkerchieves and sometimes playing the same game as before .
21 So cold and unfeeling ; Eileen could n't have imagined anyone behaving in her own son 's home as if she were a stranger , making small talk and occasionally bestowing a few words on her daughter-in-law .
22 We will consider four different firms in the same risk class and therefore having the same required discount rate ( r = 15% ) , and the same initial dividend and earnings ( d o = 1 , y o = 2 ) , but with four different growth assumptions :
23 Since those early days there have been many sea chases with much bigger things at stake , but broadly speaking the same rules apply , although it is sometimes difficult to be dispassionate where hard drugs are concerned .
24 well you know if , I mean if you 're keen to keep on the course but just having a few difficulties
25 The gabble continued , not repeating itself word for word but always saying the same thing .
26 Be as clear and concise as you can , not concealing your shortcomings ( age , time spent away from the work-place , and so on ) but equally making the most of your qualifications , experience and other assets .
27 Indeed part of the attraction of the picture of the world abolitionists presented , that is , a contribution to the success of their appeal , was that their world-view or ideology was capable of accommodating differences of emphasis and expression while recognisably having the same basic shape .
28 Besides possessing rust-resistant properties , stainless is a very strong metal and the blade can be of thinner gauge than normal steel while still possessing the same strength .
29 The depth of focus will be small if the lens aperture is larger , ‘ stopping down ’ will bring the extreme rays closer to the axis so that the true focus can be further from the film while still giving the same size of blur spot .
30 It is arbitrary in that the rules ( consciously followed or not ) in accordance with which this behaviour is produced , could have been otherwise , while yet serving the same communicative purpose .
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