Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb base] they into " in BNC.

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1 If he had ( as we all have ) some purely private thoughts and feelings and relationships and experiences , you expected him to keep those to himself , and not embarrass your dinner-party with them , or even bring them into his poems .
2 Not necessarily — the expert fishkeeper could design a system that would take the best of all possible filtration methods and effectively combine them into a very good system .
3 I 'm moving , I 'm scrooving , I 'm dooving this is hard , got to take all these notes and just put them into all sort of a summary .
4 I pick flowers so that they look pretty in a bunch and just jam them into a vase .
5 Both snails rub their penises together , and finally insert them into each other .
6 Group them in twos or threes , securing with green tape and carefully push them into the cane
7 Cut sprigs of cherry laurel and yew from their main branches ensuring you leave a long stem and securely push them into the cane ring until the circle is complete
8 I think if one looks at life and says : ‘ If I was doing that job , what are the conditions I would like to work in ? ’ , and then put them into operation , people will probably think it 's about right .
9 We write it out in longhand , each of the 700 or so entries on individual sheets of A4 paper and then put them into alphabetical order . ’
10 So do you want to copy this number down onto one label for each category and then put them into a bag and then But before Now wait a minute , wait a minute .
11 If you 've got clothes , your coats and dresses , and fold them over once , and then put them into a bag like that and we put them gently on top of the load , they come to no harm at all .
12 If you are using Chinese long beans , trim the ends and then cut them into 7.5cm/3in segments .
13 You can write the text and draw illustrations using other applications packages and then import them into frames that are positioned and sized on the page .
14 There they are able to make large fertiliser-based explosives unnoticed and then transport them into east London .
15 We can take data out of our files using AD ! and then feed them into manpower models ( the models themselves should soon also be AD ! ) .
16 When you make these dishes , or other obviously easily freezable recipes which you particularly like , it is a good idea to cook several portions at one time and then divide them into individual portions and store them in the freezer in bags .
17 We have often found people will nod and agree to the principles but never put them into practice .
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