Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [noun prp] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps Romania could be the testing ground for co-operation between Nato and the Warsaw Pact and they should mount a joint expeditionary force .
2 ‘ I had hoped that Bishop Julian or perhaps Rosalind might be of use here .
3 I ca n't honestly believe that anyone can question whether or not Wilko should be manager .
4 In EastEnders you really are concerned with whether or not Sharon should be trying to find her mother , or whether her mother should really have treated Sharon like that , and whether Michelle should have told Sharon that her mother was pregnant .
5 Alan Davies has done a very good job in a short space of time and if he remains as coach for three seasons or more Wales will be in with a fighting chance for the future — and certainly in the next World Cup ’ .
6 De Gaulle 's assumption in June 1940 was precisely the opposite : that Britain would survive and that sooner or later Germany would be defeated .
7 ‘ I do not rule out the possibility that even Greenpeace may be one day be converted on the subject of nuclear power .
8 This means that initially CD-I may be seen by those either upgrading their CD-A players or buying for the first time , as an added available dimension .
9 I must see her every day , she must face it full on and she , as , I must stay here , and so Alison must be here too .
10 In the past brilliant players such as Schalke Naude , Chris Rogers , Hampas Rademeyer and Charles Pieterse have suffered and perhaps Truter will be the same .
11 ‘ I 'm quite happy here , ’ and she would have been if only Peony could be pleased .
12 If only Maxwell could be more … if only they could stay awake … if only Maxwell could be with her at three thirty in the afternoon , when they might do it like the old days …
13 If only Maxwell could be more … if only they could stay awake … if only Maxwell could be with her at three thirty in the afternoon , when they might do it like the old days …
14 He had gone to great trouble to ascertain ways in which my knowledge of Italy and especially Libya might be put to use : As I was once again unemployed and earning no money , I needed to obtain some work .
15 How to get the plan called in for consideration at a public inquiry , since there is every likelihood Dyfed County Council and possibly CCW would be prepared to negotiate a compromise , based on past performance .
16 And thereafter Berwick will be sacked . ’
17 We have had a lot of delay getting suitable material from John Ranford and Chris Roles regarding Will Aid but I gather that this is now to be ready by the end of the month and hopefully Euan will be starting at the beginning of July if we can plan accordingly .
18 I looked at the double doors in horror and wondered if perchance Toplis might be hiding inside .
19 Commission chairman , P.K. Iyengar , claims that such work is labour intensive , and hence India will be better placed to offer an economical service than more developed nations .
20 ‘ It 's too much for you Ciss ; you know the baby will need feeding in the middle of it and he 'll get all upset and really Jo-Jo would be quite happy if you just filled the bread bin with sponge fingers and sat her in front of it .
21 And now David would be thinking she wanted him to take her out again .
22 And here Britain may be the spectre at the Strasbourg feastings .
23 Only Eve , who had been hit by the moving car , was seriously hurt and even Eve would be out of hospital in a week .
24 Cos today Lucy will be here but tomorrow might be more difficult .
25 And then Magda would be off again explaining that , ‘ The road to Damascus was busy again today … ’
26 We 'll go home and have some lunch and then Joelle will be back from school wo n't she ?
27 Because when we take , it 's best to have one here and then Claire will be taking it away with her when you go .
28 And then Masklin would be back , too .
29 All this may seem rather general and abstract , so at this point we might ask where literature fits into Derrida 's scheme and how Derrida might be relevant to literature .
30 The gastroduodenal mucosa is undoubtedly the main site of life threatening complications of NSAID treatment , manifesting as massive haemorrhage or perforation , and indeed NSAIDs may be an important cause of seemingly unexplained sudden deaths in the elderly .
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