Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] in a " in BNC.

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1 For so solid and unemotional a man he might have been angry , or perhaps only in a hurry .
2 ‘ And in any case high principles are n't the kind of things one notices at a cocktail party — or perhaps only in a negative way , as when somebody drinks tomato juice rather than gin . ’
3 The nymphs remain with their mother through one or two moults , infecting and reinforcing one another , and they may go on doing this after they leave the nest , as the young of any one year remain more or less together in a loose family association .
4 They were eventually to settle more or less permanently in a pleasant apartment in the Kastanienallee — ‘ Chestnut Avenue ’ .
5 This may cause secondary rupture in the main pancreatic duct , the peritoneum , the retroperitoneum or more often in an adjacent viscus such as duodenum , stomach or transverse colon .
6 Largo Caballero was unwilling to move as far or as fast in an anti-revolutionary direction as his Communist , Republican and moderate Socialist colleagues wished .
7 In addition , Stemberger notes that lexical items from the closed class are less likely to be involved in sequencing errors ( in which lexical items occur in the wrong order in an utterance ) and in shift errors ( in which an item appears either too early or too late in an utterance ) .
8 Much of his criticism does look back , although not necessarily in a particularly informed way : ‘ Realism historically has always been mainly the mode for reaching the vulgar , the great lump of people …
9 In the long run it may be correct to argue , as Patricia Branca has done , that doctors were ‘ the logical answer to the middle class woman 's increasing desire for self-improvement and self-control ’ , but evidence suggests that medical and scientific expertise set the basic framework for discussion and action within which women tended to respond — albeit not always in an anticipated manner — rather than initiate .
10 The operations of the latter in the money markets are frequently designed to move short-term rates of interest up or down ; and movements in short-term rates usually affect medium- and long-term rates , albeit not necessarily in a one-to-one manner .
11 And rather alarmingly in a third , she lay flat on the balustrade of the gallery with one leg pointing towards a portrait of the Duke of Wellington who , with Lord Palmerston , was one of the few statesmen whose private life had been sufficiently scandalous to qualify him to be a ffeatherstonehaugh hero .
12 When two 2nd Order rivers join ( not a 1st and a 2nd ) the much larger river is 3rd Order , and so on in a hierarchy of sizes .
13 But where such mutuality is non-existent ; where through some personal need ( based in earlier life and relationships ) the woman finds her greatest satisfactions in motherhood rather than in marriage ; where male inadequacy sees neglect in anything but total attention ; or where circumstances exist in which addition to the family unduly diminishes the expression of sexual love between two partners : personal and sexual dissonance is likely to arise , which will lead to further marital rifts , which will themselves militate against sexual happiness … and so on in a vicious spiral .
14 Alternatively , the public may simply have become more sensitised to crime , through media and press reports or the Government 's crime prevention publicity , and so believing crime to be on the increase they are more likely to report offences leading to a rise in recorded crime which will lead to further media attention and so on in a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ .
15 One of the salient features about this process is a phenomenon that might be described as endogenous economies of scale : more business is attracted to contracts with low bid-ask spreads ( i.e. high liquidity ) , and that attracts more market makers and more arbitrage and speculative activity on the exchange , and this increased competition drives down bid-ask spreads and so on in a virtuous circle .
16 And that can detect erm tumours , body defects and so forth in a , in a non-destructive way if I could put it that way .
17 The worst episode of foul play was perpetrated by Southland lock Mark Tinnock , whose feet went up and down repeatedly in a tap-dancing motion on Lions ' flanker Richard Webster during a ruck .
18 The number of times you have to take the medicines varies : frequently in an acute condition and less frequently in a chronic one .
19 Pickerage was in bed in two shakes — again unlike him — and apparently deep in a book under the sheets .
20 And in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way , so the children in a sense remained children longer in the mixed ability situation , and again this was something that the teachers found very pleasing in that the pupils were remaining involved in the school much more and much longer in a mixed ability situation .
21 If I might be so bold , for one who missed out on so much ( and not just in a cricket sense ) , I would offer a few words of advice .
22 Fine distinctions between different ( training ) institutions continue to affect the engineer 's career long after graduation , and not simply in an informal way .
23 and not like in a shop , you know , from nine in the morning till six at night
24 What was less obvious was the effect on the system as a whole , which had evolved over a long period of time influenced by a variety of political and economical pressures , and not necessarily in a methodical manner .
25 Unwittingly their behaviour is moulded ( i.e. shaped ) by the infant 's potent demands , and not always in a desirable direction .
26 Had she really agreed to live if not exactly in a wilderness , yet certainly in a place which gave every appearance of being truly rural ?
27 Data from mechanical and dielectric measurements can be related , certainly in a qualitative , if not always in a quantitative way .
28 Instead , he was glowing with hope of a future which , until recently , had seemed to him to consist solely of repeating Grade 12 over and over again in a remorseless , inescapable cycle of misery .
29 A check list will enable you to listen to those words over and over again in a controlled environment , and you will be able to make up your mind as to what symbol(s) you want to use for it/them from then on .
30 We 'll live happily and innocently together in a little white house I have in the south of France .
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