Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 They did do it , like you say it was more or less just covering for itself now and then use
2 A projected total of around 700,000 for the year is now expected , rather than the one million or so originally hoped for .
3 If you are just starting out again on a career or even just looking for a ‘ job ’ , the next exercise is to help you .
4 ‘ If so I 'll walk down with you , and then we might do a bit of visiting afterwards or even just go for a walk . ’
5 So saying , when my wife Catherine died of cancer , Anthea sent me persistent invitations to spend a few days at her cottage , or even just come for a meal .
6 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
7 They point out that the recent North American Free Trade Agreement signed by the USA , Canada and Mexico contains more explicit environmental protection language than so far proposed for the MTO .
8 The restaurant was like many of its kind throughout the Soviet Union , although perhaps better cared for than most .
9 It was the kind of tragedy that so often called for sympathy — a momentary sympathy and thrill of horror , mixed with shamefaced satisfaction that it had happened to someone else -before one passed on to less disturbing news .
10 Although not exactly stuck for words , nothing that he has said has yet entered the language .
11 Work that not only calls for construction skills but also presents opportunities for BICC to supply power , telecommunications and control cable systems — another major part of our worldwide business operation .
12 This is why this account will follow Guillaume ( 1990 : 99 ) in postulating that the support of the infinitive is a " generalized person " not yet defined explicitly as either first , second or third , nor even necessarily calling for ordinal definition ( cf. ( 10 ) above ) .
13 Work references from a licensed dealer are of dubious value , and rarely even asked for .
14 It can not exactly be ascribed as a right of the pupil , however , since he can not ensure that the other schools and so on ask for the record .
15 This could be very beautiful and perhaps even destined for your local church .
16 Indeed , Frank Field claims that the Child Poverty Action Group , which since its foundation in 1965 has consistently and somewhat single-mindedly campaigned for the extension of and increases in family allowance , was positively hindered by the latent opposition of women to the scheme ( Field , 1982 ) .
17 Nevertheless , it was not long before control was achieved , and the method used was that which had already and long ago done for the peoples of the old world .
18 Everything was tidy , clean and obviously proudly cared for .
19 The disadvantage is that it was very expensive , low in fibre , and not well balanced for use in the long term .
20 It 's important to him that everyone knows he is the champion , that he is better than anyone else and not necessarily looking for easy pay days .
21 We 've taken all this into account , erm I 'm not sure all groups have tried to do that , erm but we have tried to please everyone , we do have some particular priorities and we do want to make significant improvements in service where we can and not necessarily looking for cheap publicity by increasing in lots of places as some people are supposed to of done so where one concludes sometime a significant amount of money in but will have a noticeable difference to their essential service .
22 Such application may be made at the time when the order is made ; if not then applied for , the practice required , at least in some courts , is that the applicant should certify in writing that he has notified the other party of the intended application .
23 For the first time a non-aligned state provided not only support for Soviet warships on a commercial basis but did so without in the process tarnishing its non-aligned credentials .
24 He was not , in fact , the first to work with the Longhorns : a blacksmith named Welby living on the borders of Leicestershire and Derbyshire had been attempting systematic improvement of the type using animals from the Derbyshire herd of Sir Thomas Gresley of Drakelow House , Burton-on-Trent ( a herd which by 1720 was already uniform and impressively well matched for shape and colour ) , and a Mr Webster of Canley , near Coventry , bred animals from the same herd with stock from Westmorland and Lancashire .
25 Until now Japan has been the rich world 's youngster : people 65 and over still account for only 11.5% of the population .
26 Most of it is preserved in some way ; it is transported and various methods are employed to change and enhance its appearance ; it may be prepared or pre-cooked for convenience and finally aesthetically packaged for maximum appeal .
27 My hon. Friend was correct , too , in the implication of his remarks , in that due to lack of time or the natural delegation of functions , the European Council , the Council of Ministers and various other councils more and more frequently ask for Commission reports and proposals on matters .
28 Sympathetic to Germany , hostile to the entente with France , and unmoved by Belgium 's plight , he campaigned for neutrality in 1914 , and , as soon as this effort failed , launched the Union of Democratic Control , which opposed annexationist war aims and later also called for a negotiated peace .
29 Even if — and it is a big " if " — an unobjectionable means could be devised by which choice among candidates on party lists could be indicated and also convincingly assessed for the award of seats , the possibility of that choice could not be provided by any practicable modification of the WGMS which would at the same time ensure a high degree of proportionality and be acceptable to British electors and parties .
30 An offer of equity shares may enable the offeror to obtain merger relief under s131 of the Companies Act 1985 ( see para 23.1.5 below ) and also possibly qualify for merger accounting under SSAP 23 ( see para 23.1.6 below ) .
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