Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It increases from more than one in every 2,000 births where the mother is aged 20 years or less to one in 60 where the mother is over 45 years old .
2 These are also strongly accented as the arms straighten into 2nd position before being bent , with hands sometimes clasped behind the head , sometimes placed akimbo on the waist or sometimes with one on the waist and the other behind the large bow at the back of the head-dress .
3 ( It must also be said that only about one in ten of the adult population in Britain in teetotal and it could be that at least some people in this group are unwell , rather than the other way round . )
4 We found that only about one in five of all establishments used either form of temporary worker and only a third of those used them in numbers equivalent to at least five per cent of their labour forces .
5 But they were shocked that just over one in ten could bring the day to mind .
6 Only a quarter said they did it for love and just over one in six admitted it was a drunken fling .
7 Follow up sclerotharapy was always done after 48 hours unless recurrent bleeding occurred earlier and then at one to two seeks ' interval during the same hospital stay .
8 Just over one in every five newspapers issued ( 21% ) needed repair , whereas only about one in every twenty monographs and serials ( 6% and 5% respectively ) needed treatment .
9 While just under one in five ( 17 per cent ) of all persons in Great Britain are over pension age , they comprise more than one in four of those living on incomes on or below the social assistance level ( supplementary benefit between 1966 and 1988 and income support thereafter ) , and one in three of those living in poverty according to this definition or on the margins of poverty ( i.e. with incomes of up to 40 per cent above the appropriate social assistance rates ) .
10 About one in four reckon they 're good for ten minutes , though just under one in five admit to ejaculating in less than two minutes .
11 Are you sure that is n't I think they were agents as well for one round the corner .
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