Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand if the subject 's contrast is very high the dilution of Rodinal can be increased to 1:75 or more to fully develop the negative without over-developing the highlight areas .
2 Nigel , who in any case really delighted in sows ' ears which had the faintest possibility of turning into even cotton purses , beavered away with them for an hour or more before unceremoniously dumping them in the dustbin and banging down the lid .
3 Its sense may be seen as an abstract representation of permission ( " give your assent to a party " ) or even of not preventing ( " do n't be indifferent to " ) .
4 It is possible to dissect open the animal 's body so as to expose the abdominal ganglion and its cells , or even to completely isolate the ganglion and the nerves connecting it to pieces of attached skin and gill .
5 Customers find its relaxing serenity ideal for weekend meetings or simply to just get away .
6 Thus it may be committed by wrongfully taking possession of goods , by wrongfully disposing of them , by wrongfully destroying them or simply by wrongfully refusing to give them up when demanded , for in all these cases can be traced conduct by the defendant which amounts to a denial of the plaintiff 's rights or the assertion of inconsistent rights .
7 Many of the houses were eighteenth century or earlier with steeply sloping red-tiled roofs and half-timbered gables painted white or pale green .
8 It does n't take me that long to actually get ready — the planning part is the important bit , and the fun bit .
9 Policy-makers are looking closer than ever at how to tax multinationals more consistently .
10 More farmers than ever before now own their farms .
11 The uncertainty that up to now has surrounded Norsk Data 's business is by this clarified , ’ the company declared .
12 The new Transaction System from Micro Focus Plc ( CI No 2,166 ) represents a major departure for the Newbury , Berkshire company that up to now has been famed for its Cobol products and development tools rather than for production system software — but the market for Unix transaction processing systems is still wide open because scarcely any have been sold as yet .
13 The system represents a major departure for the Newbury , Berkshire company that up to now has been famed for its Cobol products and development tools rather than for production system software — but the market for Unix transaction processing systems is still wide open because scarcely any have been sold as yet .
14 Each partition is a functioning DCP providing in one cabinet the resiliency that up to now required paired individual DCP systems .
15 Virus F/x-01–74482 , soon referred to as , simply , the Mahon virus was , as far as she could understand , a unique example of something that up till now had only been postulated : that deep in the ocean , under the terrific pressure and in temperatures approaching absolute zero , there had remained chains of biochemicals , primitive viruses that had been part of the great ‘ organic soup ’ at the creation of life , remaining unchanged as the rest of the primordial swamp had undergone the long evolutionary journey to form all the complexities of life on earth .
16 This has nothing to do with how policemen look nor even of never having heard of a bunch called James , who are apparently big stars , have their name emblazoned all over a chic t-shirt and of whom one had never heard till yesterday .
17 There was more difficulty over the high tax charge and ACT relief and the interim dividend stays at 3.25p covered less than twice by almost halved earnings ..
18 There was more difficulty over the high tax charge and ACT relief and the interim dividend stays at 3.25p covered less than twice by almost halved earnings ..
19 The House of Lords held that the surveyor was discharging the duties of both expert and quasi-arbitrator , and was not in the position of an independent arbitrator who had no other duty which involved acting in the interests of one of the parties , and that accordingly in so acting he was not guilty of collusion or bad faith .
20 Critics complained that instead of just handing him the challenge , Spain 's arts ministry ought to have held an international competition for the best scheme .
21 Warning of the dire peril IBM faced at the hands of Unix , we suggested that so many parties were working on the thing that over time it would accrete to itself all the missing features that commercial users demanded , and that instead of simply trying to muddy the Unix waters as IBM did for so long , it should recognise that its most convincing answer to Unix was right there under its nose in the form of VM .
22 However , in attempting to ascertain the applicability of the model to other countries , in order to strengthen confidence in the results , it is recognised that instead of simply applying it to them mechanically , some account needs to be taken of prevailing differences in their industrial relations systems .
23 The striking point , however , is that instead of merely denying the charge , he had set out to vindicate himself by finding a scientific reason why the world could not be eternal .
24 By a notice of appeal dated 18 February 1991 the second defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that the judge erred ( 1 ) in concluding that the first defendant was not acting as the plaintiffs ' agent when he procured the signature of the second defendant to the legal charge dated 3 July 1987 ; and ( 2 ) in not finding that the execution of the charge was procured by the undue influence and material misrepresentation of the first defendant and thereby in not setting aside the charge .
25 Davidson was the first Anglo-Scot to play international rugby ; the first of the Royal Indian Engineering College forward 's two caps was against England in 1873 , still in the days of 20-a-side , and rarely since then have the exiles not been represented in Scotland 's team .
26 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
27 On the way back over the lines west we saw a lot of traffic with trains going to Oxford , coal to Didcot power station , 125 's to the West Country and three class 37 's up and down with nowhere to go .
28 It is always sound to add any such volumes to personal collections , for however well or badly done , they will always be a source of inspiration — if only on how to approach certain topics .
29 America should spend more on improving the technology of its weapons , and less on actually making them
30 Why did he sit there in that most sociable of settings , solitary and apparently with neither need nor wish for company ?
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