Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 or in out of the way places ,
2 I observe in passing that probably not more than a dozen or so out of the 170-odd political entities in the world conform to even the first half of the Mazzinian programme , if nations are defined in ethnic-linguistic terms .
3 Runner-up to The Fellow in the King George before finishing a brave third to Cool Ground in the Gold Cup , Docklands Express should defy top weight with all of his rivals at least 7lb or more out of the handicap .
4 If the shares are purchased wholly or partly out of the proceeds of a fresh issue and the amount of the proceeds is less than the nominal value of the buy-back shares , the difference must be transferred to the capital redemption reserve ( s170(2) ) .
5 While the fish are spawning the females can be pushed into shallow water or even out of the pond .
6 Children cost twice as much to education there than they did in the outer London Boroughs , or indeed out in the styx as we are here in Oxfordshire .
7 Redundancy and a wrecked career as a forgotten man seemed inevitable until right out of the blue Graham Taylor threw me a lifeline and persuaded me to join him at Aston Villa .
8 On top of the Alice Liddell , the floods swivelled and became searchlights , two broad beams shining up at the roof of the bay and on out into the dark gulf beyond .
9 Well they want to connect Mansfield then they want to connect eventually right up through Worksop and on out into the main lines .
10 Another time I went to St Kew primary , which is really small and right out in the middle of nowhere , and they made me feel really welcome .
11 He may have to change his tune if a swing to the right-wing Republicans shoves his beloved Free Democrats below the 5 per cent mark and so out of the Bundestag in the next elections .
12 ‘ I could hear their croaking and their arguments and they came ever nearer until suddenly out of the mist I saw the grey shadow of a wing and wet spike of a beak .
13 A pair of sharp black eyes looked her up and down out of the most wasted features Miss Kyte had ever seen .
14 Character is calculated exactly to support the theme of hierarchy on shipboard in Trial Trip , where a galley boy discovers that he is not entirely free to resume a schoolboy friendship with Tich , now in the second year of his apprenticeship , and in Out of the Shallows , where a sixteen-year-old apprentice with a decided chip on his shoulder suffers from the complications which friendship with a steward brings , particularly as the steward , a thoroughly shifty individual , is merely using him as a way of furthering his own ends .
15 The couples frequently face each other looking into each other 's faces and appear to crouch over their feet slightly which emphasises the ‘ down to earth ’ quality as most steps appear to go down into and not out of the ground .
16 The change occurred because of internal political reasons and for that reason alone and not out of the interests of clients .
17 In a reference to continuing reports that more Soviet weapons had been moved east of the Ural mountains and thus out of the treaty area , the UK Defence Secretary Tom King raised doubts about whether the treaty process was going forward with " the degree of control and accuracy that was intended " .
18 Round and round went the rich , creamy milk , as the cool spring water flowed past , down through the three sloping troughs and away out of the yard .
19 The casket was cast into the river Nile nearby in the hope it would be carried down the river and finally out into the Mediterranean Sea to be lost for ever .
20 Our film stock and equipment , which comprised some nine-tenths of our travelling weight , had to be husbanded first past the Pac-Man thicket of Customs and Immigration , thence through unpredictable months in the jungles , and finally out of the country again intact and undetained .
21 We tried lots of rehearsal spaces but they were all a rip off and totally out of the way .
22 We could only travel at the rate of the slowest ship , and once out in the Irish Sea were ‘ blacked out ’ .
23 I think of Camus and the beauty that each year is pushed further and further out into the oil-filmed sea .
24 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
25 This will get your cavalry into close combat and hopefully out of the hail of missiles fairly quickly .
26 And they understand those devices and work with them very well , they 're not particularly interested in a mouse and all sorts of graphical facilities because their job in life is to get information quickly into and quickly out of the system .
27 I edged along the curtain in the upstream direction of the shut door and by hauling my way up the links at the side managed to scramble round the boathouse wall and up out of the water to roll at last onto the grassy bank .
28 Ted jumped at the chance to work with Eva and Dad , partly out of nosiness — to see what freedom had made of Dad , and could perhaps make of Ted — and partly out of the returning appetite for labour .
29 However , midfielder Jason Ainsley will miss the game after picking up an ankle injury in midweek , and also out of the side is striker Andrew Shaw , who is suspended .
30 Typical English , thought Pamela , their first day and straight out into the midday sun .
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